Question about Canadian HOS

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by RickG, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Here's how my day went Thursday . I left the Flying J at 5 a.m. to deliver in Bradford at 8 a.m. . Traffic was pretty light and I was at the Bradford exit before 7:30 . I stopped at the Husky and took a half hour off duty . When our trucks are unloaded we are not allowed to be in the area . Company policy allows us to log off duty . Unloading took over 5 hours and I logged 5 hours off duty . I went back on duty at 1:30 p.m. and started driving at 2 p.m. . Fifteen minutes later an idler pulley broke and I was down for 3 hours . Now it's almost 5:30 p.m. . I'm 30 minutes from Toronto and by U.S. hours of service my 30 minute and 5 hour breaks didn't stop the clock . I'd have to stop in about an hour and a half . Continuing toward Toronto was out of the question . I'd have to turn around and drive 15 minutes back to the Huskie . But I was in Canada . I was pretty sure Canadian HOS would allow me to drive on to London . Spending the night in London would allow me to make it home Friday . If I stayed in Bradford I'd run out of hours before I got home Friday . Corporate is pretty strict on HOS so I e-mailed corporate help in Tampa . They referred me to the Canada corporate safety guy who told me U.S. drivers in Canada have to operate under U.S. HOS . I didn't believe him and e-mailed Tampa for confirmation and also tried calling them . No response to the e-mail and all connections to safety in Tampa answered by voicemail . They're starting their Easter weekend and not concerned about drivers . Well , somebody's gonna have some 'splaining to do Monday because when I got home I found the regulation stating that U.S. drivers in Canada operate under Canadian HOS . Doesn't that mean my 5 hour break extended my day ? I emailed the regulation to my terminal manger and Tampa corporate .
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  3. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    As far as I understand the rules Rick, you should be able to run Canadain HOS when in Canada no matter where you are from, just make sure if you have to do a reset its 36 hours not 34. And as long as you use the split sleeper doesn't matter whether it's off duty or in sleeper, it extends your day. Just make sure that you do not driver over the 13 hours allowed during the 8 hour break. For instance, if you started your day at 8 am than worked (drive, on duty) for 4 hours then stop for 4 hours then you can work 9 more hours then you MUST stop for 4 hours. Then the other 2 hours can be logged in minimum of 30 minute increments..we have rules about stopping for 1/2 hour after 6 hours for a break. We all know that you can't drive 13 hours straight, not good for you. You can your driving time however you like, but if you want it to count for your 8 hour break you must stop for a minimum of 2 hours. The thing to be very careful about is not to have over 14 hours on duty between each 8 hours off duty. In otherwords once you start to split you pretty much have to keep doing it until you have the time to take 8 consecutive hours off. Myself I split constantly cause I simply can't sleep 8 hours at a stretch & I have really bad shoulders, so if I lay down for more that 4 or 5 hours at a time I likely won't be able to get up again.


    Hope this helps you.
  4. uncleal13

    uncleal13 Road Train Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Humboldt, Sk
    10-4, when in Rome do as the Romans do. When we are in your country, we have to obey your rules. When in our country, you have to obey our rules. The scale at Kamloops, BC was catching all sorts of fellows for breaking Canadian rules, ergo 34 hour instead of 36 hour reset.

    The only reason your company may insist on you using U.S. rules is to make it easier on the person that does the log audits. Your safety, time and convenience are of no concern to them. However, if a Canadian inspector checks you out, they don't give a rats ### about the U.S. rules.

    As I see it, you now have until 9:00 pm to get to London, otherwise you'll be in violation of the 16 hour (similar to your 14 hour) window to get er done. If your 5 hours off were logged in the sleeper berth, that would have stopped the clock. If you logged it as off duty, then NO, it does not stop the clock. A minimum 8 hours off duty would have worked.
  5. tinytim

    tinytim Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2007
    Northern Ontario
    That is ridiculous unless he is referring to your companie's policy. Even if your company requires you to follow the U.S. HOS while in Canada (11/14 - 70/8 or 60/7) you are obviously required to be compliant with Canadian HOS.

    Although Canada allows more driving hours per day and more work hours per week there are a few cases where you can be compliant with U.S. HOS and not with Canadian.

    4 things to remember while in Canada even if following U.S. rules.
    1. You must have 24 consecutive hours off in the last 14 days.
    2. You must be able to produce the last 14 days of logs to support number 1.
    3. The day concept. Unlike the States you cannot drive more than 13 hours in one day even with a proper 10 hour break - technically you could in the U.S.
    4. The 36 hour reset, 34 isn't enough.

    I know that's a bit off topic but I thought I would mention it because I think there is a perception out there that so long as you are compliant with the U.S. rules you will be fine in Canada.

    Back on topic, like mentioned the 5 hours doesn't extend your clock unless it's in the sleeper berth and then it would require another 5 hours in the sleeper berth to add up to 10. You would have had more than enough time to make London by 9 though so you would be fine with Canadian HOS.
  6. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    I don't know . Can you make it from Toronto to London in 3 1/2 hours if you hit Toronto around 6 p.m. ? Here's how I normally do this run . I load in KY and easily make it to London by 4:30 p.m. . I leave at 5 a.m. and easily make my 8 a.m. appointment at Bradford . Normally I leave Bradford between noon and 2 p.m. . Depending on traffic I will either cross the border at Sarnia into Michigan or if traffic is heavy I will stop in London and cross the border around 3 a.m. with no traffic . The 3 hour breakdown delay Thursday really messed me up . I should have just gone on without trying to check . If I get to London , or even Woodstock I can make it home the next day .
  7. tinytim

    tinytim Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2007
    Northern Ontario
    I guess it could be iffy at that time of day. You could always pull off at the TA in Woodstock or the Ingersoll sevice center if it was looking too close.
  8. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Here's the update on this . Corporate people are back from their holiday so I e-mailed them to call me . They insist U.S. drivers have to follow U.S. HOS while in Canada . Buncha dummies .:biggrin_25526: Can't convince them otherwise . :biggrin_25512: Unless .... Next time I go into Canada I'll go in with a 34 hour restart and only have logs for the past 7 days .
  9. tinytim

    tinytim Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2007
    Northern Ontario
    I wish I could follow Canadian rules while in the U.S. :)

    Sounds like it's pretty rare you would have a need for the extra hours but it sucks they won't let you take advantage of it when needed. Probably a lot easier on the guys doing your log audits though.
  10. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Yeah , they audit the logs by computer . I'd give it fits .
  11. Chain Drive

    Chain Drive Medium Load Member

    Nov 28, 2008
    Nova Scotia,Canada
    can't help with company policy but the when in rome theory would keep you away from a fine, we always had to run U.S rules because they were stricter and we bounced back and forth a lot.
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