CR England recruits scammed

Discussion in 'CR England' started by mmringer, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Artbroken

    Artbroken Light Load Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    Milwaukee, WI
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011
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  3. snowbird_89

    snowbird_89 Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2009
    What school did you go too? Dallas, Salt Lake, Burns Harbor?
  4. Buttercup

    Buttercup Bobtail Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    He said Chris Kelsey, that would be Burns Harbor. I did my research and didn't jump into the pot of boiling water.
  5. GoneButNotForgotten

    GoneButNotForgotten Heavy Load Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    Roxboro, N.C.
    First order of business, if you can, get that old job back. That 40K salary is pretty good while you look around. Plus it is a lot better than you will probably your first year doing OTR.
    We all like to be supportive and wish you the best in seeing your child. But to be honest, it is very tough to visit out on the road. You would have to have a very cooperative X to make that work. And I would bet that your present girlfriend would probably not be thrilled about you taking your hometime in LA.
    Good luck and put most of your effort going forward.
  6. mcarpe

    mcarpe Bobtail Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Corning, NY
    mmringer the best advice that you will hear may be this:
    If at all possible try to find a way to get your cdl without going to a company offered training. A local college may be about the best and least expensive. Company schools always come with a 1 or sometimes 2 yr contract to work for that company. That means that you are their B****, and if you leave before that contract is up you get an inflated bill for the schooling.

    Also don't be thinking that driving a truck will be a bed of roses, you will be very dissappointed. You also should realize you'r probably gonna take a cut in pay from what you were making before, at least for a yr or so.

    Good luck to you, and be safe in whatever you decide to do.
  7. NoCoCraig

    NoCoCraig Road Train Member

    Nov 7, 2010
    Chattanooga, Tennessee
    You applied for a job where the ability to stay alert is paramount and then fall asleep on the first day? I do not mean to be rude but for you to be upset about this is just crazy talk. I hope you land on your feet but you need to take responsibility for your own actions. All of this being said, what a crappy company.
  8. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    I fell asleep ... trying to read wandering diatribe.
    Cooper09 Thanks this.
  9. JustinWaterboro

    JustinWaterboro Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Porter, ME
    ok lets see if I understand this correctly...
    you were starting a new career where you know that the first few days/weeks are usually going to be the worst part of it all and basically manage to fall asleep within the first 4 - 5 hrs of classroom (not to mention during the presentation given by the boss of the school in Burns Harbor) and instructed to leave the school...

    so I am still trying to gather where the issue is, except they are suppose to provide you with your ticket home if you don't make it past the first week.

    not trying to be cruel but if you could not handle just a few hours of a classroom how do think you could manage possibly having to drive 4-6 hours during the night pulling over 40K pounds heading down a highway...
    carrot top and danny_379 Thank this.
  10. pmalibu

    pmalibu Bobtail Member

    May 14, 2011
    saint petersburg fla
    most big companys dont wanna hire you straight outta school,they all want you to have 3-6 months otr experience,so these companys that have their own schools then hire you are good to get your foot in the door anyway,then you can move on to better pastures....and if ya dont wanna be locked into staying for a long period well then pay the school costs up front and your free to go when ya far as falling asleep and complaining about them for dismissing you,be glad your wernt driving as you were dozing.and why anyone would leave a job paying over $20 an hour and home every night to do this is beyond me
  11. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    I'll also ask... why would anyone leave a job paying $20.25, working in your town, being home at night, etc... that's at least $800 a week gross... and there's not many experienced drivers that are bringing down that per matter what kind of BS stories you might have heard.Unless, that is, you wanted a $400-500 a week paycut, working with unprofessional people, and working at least 20-30 hours per week MORE than your regular job...
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