can cr england revoke a cdl they issued??

Discussion in 'CR England' started by lindag, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. lindag

    lindag Bobtail Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    Hi guys
    My husband is as we speak in cr englands school iin fontana, calif.
    The school is paying for the training if he stays on and works for them.for at least 9 months.
    So, they just told the class that if they quit before that time, let's say right after he
    Gets his cdl, that they can revoke his c,dl since they issued it..they also stated that they
    Notify the dept of homeland security that the person has committed fraud.

    I told my husband that I think it is just a scare tactic, and I do not think any company
    Has the power to revoke a state issued federal license..

    Anyone out there have any idea if cr trucking can actually take/revoke his cdl if he quits after getting it??

    Linda g.
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  3. MNdriver

    MNdriver Road Train Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    How can a company revoke something issued by the state?

    They can't.
  4. joem61

    joem61 Light Load Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    That's the sign to run for the door. Lies before the job even starts
  5. CbarM

    CbarM Heavy Load Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Irvine, AB
    Yep, no company can actually issue a gov't license, nor can they revoke it. They are the middle man in getting it for him, but if they are springin this on everybody now, I'd be suprised if there is anybody in class for the hills...they will try to trap him there and life will become very miserable...
  6. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    I used to be a phase 1 trainer with CRE. I would tell my students to make sure they finish phase 1 and they get a hard copy license in the mail before quitting. If he has to transfer that CDL to another state I would wait until that occurs then quit.

    I had a lot of students quit during phase 2 because they found better employment elsewhere and nothing happened to their CDL. The only thing is the bill England will send you for school. Most students setup a payment plan for as low as $100 a month. Some did not pay it since I think CRE still gets their money for the school from the federal government. CRE is just trying to "double dip" on the collection of the school tuition.
  7. CbarM

    CbarM Heavy Load Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Irvine, AB
    That sounds pretty typical of a bottom feeder outfit...
    Bean Jr. and BUMBACLADWAR Thank this.
  8. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    I heard that CRE turns in your road test to the DMV but waits a little on the skills test. I had one student with his paper CDL that quit about a week into phase 1 and he never got his hard copy license in the mail. So I would just wait until that hard copy comes in. But if CRE wants to be real jerks about it if your husband quits during phase 1 while under a load they may put a load abandonment on his DAC. So make sure he quits while on home time, not dispatched while on phase 2, or between phases after he is done upgrading.
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
  9. PackRatTDI

    PackRatTDI Licensed to Ill

    Jul 15, 2006
    El Chuco, Tejas
    They may be able to do that in Utah where the state is bought and paid for but not California.
  10. flood

    flood Road Train Member

    Dec 25, 2010
    if he quits before the 9 months cr england will go after him for the 5,000-7,500 for the training and they will go after him anyway they can but no they can't take his CA issued cdl away from him.... all CA cares about is if he pass the test, they don't care how or from who he got his training and if he paid for it or not.... and homeland security doesn't give a dam about it....
  11. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    One of my last students before I quit CRE went to school out of Fontana, CA. He said they had a uniformed officer there from the National Guard saying that if they quit early they will be in violation of some homeland security act. So they use scare tactics their and I do not understand how they can get away with it. That student quit after phase 2 because he found a local job in the Southern California area and everything was fine.
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