attention all CR England haters:

Discussion in 'CR England' started by racerdad, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. racerdad

    racerdad Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Burlington, WA
    I am looking for a career change. CR England offers a school to attain CDL for free, naturally it comes with a commitment to them following school. It should involve a commitment.

    Rather than tell me all the things that are wrong with CR England please tell me another alternative to acquiring free CDL schooling and getting a job, even a low paying one.
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  3. brsims

    brsims Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Meadville, PA

    WIA funding at a local school?


    racerdad and DriverToBroker Thank this.
  4. racerdad

    racerdad Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Burlington, WA
    Thank you very much
  5. Bigchevy

    Bigchevy Light Load Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    Almost any company any more offers a school some better than outhers i got a loan for school and got on with a company that help pay it back.
  6. racerdad

    racerdad Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Burlington, WA
    I'm looking into the others, but have yet to find one that doesn't require payment up front.
  7. Casual Trucker

    Casual Trucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    You Sound Like someone that Knows All about CRE :biggrin_2554:What Happened There? What was your likes & dislikes?,So we may serve U better...:biggrin_25520:
  8. racerdad

    racerdad Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Burlington, WA

    I haven't been there, nor have I been to any CDL training. I do have some driving experience and am confident I will excel in any entry level situation. What I don't have is the credit to attain a loan nor the cash to pay for anything up front. I have been a land surveyor for 20 years and am 43 years old looking for a career change because workload has been an issue for 4+ years.

    I don't mind most of the things I've heard about them so far, or at least it doesn't scare me off completely. It sounds to me like folks feel underpaid and underappreciated. Um, you're a greenhorn in a massive corporation who got free schooling so how could you expect anything else?
    KeithT1967 Thanks this.
  9. NoCoCraig

    NoCoCraig Road Train Member

    Nov 7, 2010
    Chattanooga, Tennessee
    Lol, you know, he is kinda right
  10. ShortBusKid

    ShortBusKid Heavy Load Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    Just a suggestion, consider Stevens or Prime. I have never worked for CR England (or the other two). MANY years ago I applied to be a company driver there but their policies at the time were beyond ridiculous. I just hear a lot of "stories" about CRE that are less than positive. When I was a terminal manager, we hired several former Stevens drivers after they finished their commitment and I was impressed with the quality of driver. Speaks well for their training. I've also personally known a couple guys that went to Prime for training and had no major complaints.
    racerdad and KMac Thank this.
  11. BrenYoda883

    BrenYoda883 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    At 43 and not having credit or any funds after working for 20 years.. is now really a good time.for a career change.. and why wound not making good money be important.. you have no credit or funds at 43.. earning a good steady income should be of more importance..

    Anyway... I think anyone entering this industry that has a huge turn over and failure rate.. knowing you will excel..seems to me like you really don't know the industry you are about to enter.
    If you are seeking Free CDL schooling you will be going through the CDL mills.. some are better then others.. but they are what they are..

    Here is what scared me away from CR England and others.. it is on all of there we sites.. you.. can be a trainer within 3 to 6 months and make extra money doing so...

    I have no desire to get my training for a new career to someone with little experience.... Think about it.. The trainer you vet may have started in spring and never driven the truck in snow or winter and is going to train you to do something they have never done...

    It is your future.. I don't hate CR England or the other Mills.. they are what they are..
    What I don't get is why someone seeking to start a new career would not choose s better start to it then being willing to be trained by a rookie..
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2013
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