Looking forward to Knight's Squire program

Discussion in 'Knight' started by aecarr, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    When someone comes on here and instantly wants to tell experienced drivers anything, instead of asking . Well you get what you get. As far as if you would trust me to work on your lawn mower, I don't really care. I do know about trucking, I've been on this site for many years also and know that Knight has a very high track record of upset drivers.

    If you think my opinion is sharp, you really do not even have thick enough skin for what we do, or what we put up with on a daily basis, but you will and may be If you survive it you may even become a real driver, but for now your not a driver and you have no idea of what your headed for. Even if someone were to try to tell you you would not believe it for a second.

    Negative towards drivers, never. Negative toward ignorance, you bet.

    If you want know about Knight, there happens to be many entry's on just this subject on this board, go look them up.

    As far as good training companies, I have not worked for any as a student, CRST, and PRIME both seem to turn out good drivers. You see this is all subject to opinion anyway, no 2 of us will probably agree, and thats OK too. Thats is part of why we are drivers and choose to be drivers. It your right to have your own ideas and opinions and not care if anyone agrees with you. To those who agree great, and the rest can piss off.

    Motor on tomorrow is a new day.
    Joetro and 123456 Thank this.
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  3. dennisroc

    dennisroc Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    Anjung-Ri, South Korea
    The OP was just telling about the research he had done and I for one appreciate it. As far as thick skin I work on and fly airplanes I think I can pretty much handle a freakin truck !

    Motor on and fly right !

    Ok , now I will just piss off :biggrin_255: So did you get fired from Knight ?
  4. azsteve

    azsteve Light Load Member

    May 9, 2014
    sorry to jump on and take away the OPs question but if Knight recruiters dont seem to return calls, etc... is it okay to go there in person ? I am looking at knight as they seem to be a better starter company in AZ. Also the western regional loads keep you close to home.I did talk to a recruyiter a month ago, we hadnt set my start date and they are no longer there so back to square one I go`
  5. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    If you live in the Phoenix area just drive to the terminal..5601 w buckeye... Near 51st/buckeye to visit the recruiting dept..
    azsteve Thanks this.
  6. azsteve

    azsteve Light Load Member

    May 9, 2014
    Thankyou sir !I am in Flagstaff, I think I will take a sick day and drive down to phoenix.I wasnt sure if they had open doors to just anyone or not. If all else fails I can go to Swift while I am there as well, not my better option but I am ready to get going somewhere very soon
  7. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    NO i did not get fired from Knight, I was a trainer for them, I left because they had unsafe practices on releasing new drivers before they were even close to be ready. They also have a habit of bring unqualified drivers to orientation even when the recruiter knows up front there going to wash out, This leaves in people stranded in some cases hundreds of miles from home all so a recruiter makes his quotas.

    PRIME, Millas, and even SWIFT do a extensive pre=hire investigation prior to bring you in for training.

    Some of your statements show who you are. flying an airplane is a aquired skill no doubt, as is working on them, I have a FAA/FCC Cert for installation of 2 way radios in Helos And fixed wing, so what has nothing to do with my acquired skills for driving a tracor trailer only a fool would imply that one qualifies you for the other. This is is for and about drivers and those whom wish to be andor spouses of the same. Go back to your hanger maybe they will be impressed by your self proclaimed importance no one here is.

    Good luck and God Bless may he make sure you get everything you have coming to you. Happy Trails.
    Joetro and T_TRUCKER• Thank this.
  8. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    I our industry do not wait, and yes its ok to drop by. Personally I think SWIFT has a better training program anyway.
    azsteve Thanks this.
  9. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    I agree...these training co's for the most part don't care...warm body in a seat is all they want...whether they're competent or not...that's why there are the problems in this industry today.
    Powder Joints and Joetro Thank this.
  10. azsteve

    azsteve Light Load Member

    May 9, 2014
    I can see these companies being that way, Personally I want a through checklist before being hired. I grewup working with trucks, on a dairy farm, also worked hard and still at my age give 300 % to my career. So I am clean, safe and think logically, and been a manager for 30 years . hopefully means I still have a work ethic and been in customer service for 30 years will help, and to let you all know that this is one newbie you shouldnt have to watch out for. (I hope) :)
  11. azsteve

    azsteve Light Load Member

    May 9, 2014
    Prime is calling me quite a bit to go to MO.. not sure if they are a better choice , I know they want you to run 3-4 weeks before getting any home time.
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