CCJ's Top 250 Trucking Companies

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Robbvious, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. LadyDallasDriver

    LadyDallasDriver Light Load Member

    May 5, 2008

    1(5). Swift Transportation
    2(7). Schneider National Carriers
    3(8. JB Hunt Transport
    4(9). Landstar System (Interesting note: Landstar is all O/O)
    5(11). Werner Enterprises
    6(12). US Xpress Enterprises
    7(13). Ryder Integrated Logistics
    8(14). Pacer International Truckling Operations
    9(17). Greatwide Logistics
    10(18. Crete Carrier

    ****Does anyone here know about Greatwide?? I really would like to know before I sign on the doted line...Thanks
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  3. xXxBONESxXx

    xXxBONESxXx Bobtail Member

    Nov 8, 2008
    The top 250 companies based on revenue gives absolutely no permanent information a driver would need to be able to pick a company at all (ability to grow beyond their usefullness as a public service not withstanding).

    If CCJ wants to come up with a list, how about polling drivers on satisfaction. Or for that matter, get the data related to driver's average earnings for the year including value added for that is a list that would be beneficial to company drivers. As far as I'm concerned, websites like CCJ (as well as the sites linked at the top) are nothing more than money factories for click-through ads and mouth pieces for big companies. If nothing else, the web sites they make are just extra cheese they use when trying to sell ads to companies for thier rags.

    That said, every now and then they have a decent article in the rags...but thats about as much value as they will ever provide to drivers. Personally, the only reason I ever pick one up is to look at what other companies are out there. Then again, if they have to put ads in every crappy little trucking rag that gives them away at truckstops, I think I would look elsewhere and find one who is NOT advertising. Short of randomly picking a company to take training with for someone who has never driven before, I find them useless.

    Edit: After reading my post I see this may be taken the wrong way. I don't want to take away from the OP's having done some reading and posting just the facts as they were presented. Maybe someone will find the information useful. Kudos to the OP for staying objective and not just posting some random list he made up.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008
  4. pawpaw

    pawpaw Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Milan, NM
    I know they just filed for bankruptcy in the last couple of weeks.
  5. cactusjack

    cactusjack Medium Load Member

    Aug 2, 2009
    NOTE: Prime or New Prime is no where on his list.......
  6. broncrider

    broncrider Road Train Member

    but ARROW trucking is

    wierd huh?
  7. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    The numbers say nothing about how busy you will be . A carrier with 10,000 trucks with 3,000 drivers sitting half the time will show more revenue than a carrier with 6,000 trucks keeping all their drivers running .
  8. REDD

    REDD The Legend

    Jun 29, 2009
    Dueling Banjoville
    Notice that this thread is from 2008 when freight was still relatively decent?
  9. Haystak

    Haystak Light Load Member

    Jan 5, 2010
    Blytheville, AR
    Not a whole lot. But I do know that they went out of business under a different name and started back under Greatwide. I'm not for sure about all of the details. I'm sure you can Google it and find all you need to know.
  10. Haystak

    Haystak Light Load Member

    Jan 5, 2010
    Blytheville, AR
    Hmmm that's some weird figuring. I don't see how 3,000 could make more than 6,000. Gotta be rollin to generate revenue. Sitting trucks don't generate any revenue. They create a deficit.
  11. REDD

    REDD The Legend

    Jun 29, 2009
    Dueling Banjoville
    He said a carrier with 10,000 trucks with 3000 sitting will show more revenue then a carrier that has 6000 trucks constantly rolling.

    So 10,000 trucks - 3000 trucks sitting = 7,000 trucks vs. a carrier with only 6000 trucks with them all rolling!
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