Going Maroon ...

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by TexasMike, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Well after eight years of van and reefer I'm ready to pull a skateboard.

    I'm heading up to Little Rock on Apr 3rd to do orientation. I am not a new student so they only asked that I attend orientation. However, I plan on spending a week in the securement school up there as well as I have VERY little flatbed experience. And what I have is limited to hauling lumber and sheetrock.

    If anyone's interested I'll be relating my experiences here and on my various blogs like I did back in the day when I first started driving.

    For those that are interested I'm joining the Southwest Regional fleet. I definitely look forward to meeting some of the guys I've been following in the Maverick forum finally.
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  3. TrestleTime

    TrestleTime Bobtail Member

    Aug 30, 2015
    Wilkes Barre
    I'll be in orientation the same week. I just got my CDL and I am going with Maverick's TCD. They were my first choice and though I am nervous starting a new career I feel strongly that I am going with the right company to set me up to succeed.

    I'll see you in Little Rock.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
  4. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    I look forward to it. And welcome TTR!
    TrestleTime Thanks this.
  5. Jbond

    Jbond Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2015
    how long did it take to get on with maverick
    TrestleTime Thanks this.
  6. 8thnote

    8thnote Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2013
    Chattanooga, TN
    I'm just curious why, as an experienced driver, you decided to go with a giant training/starter company like Maverick? Especially since their CEO is a former chairman of the ATA, which has proven repeatedly that their goals are to suppress driver wages, benefits, and protections while increasing driver oversight and micro-management.
    Canned Spam and TexasMike Thank this.
  7. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Couple of reasons actually. First and foremost is their training center, which is considered one of the best, and I'd like to learn proper securement techniques. Most flatbed companies I approached wanted me to ride with a trainer for anywhere from 3-8 weeks even though I have eight years over the road experience. Sorry, but I'm not a noob and do not need that kind of hand holding or training.

    Second was money. The mileage pay I am going to get starting out is the same as I'm currently making. They are also going to pay me very well for orientation and training, $1000 a week. Nearly every other company wanted to start me out .05-.06 less per mile and only pay me $500 per week to train. One actually told me I'd get 300 per week for six weeks then get my own truck, I think not.

    Additionally, I know quite a few drivers at Maverick and all seem happy. Sure they are a starter company, but then again nearly every company is to some extent. I'll get my training and hang out and do my job like I'm supposed to. If Maverick turns out to be a horrible place to work, then I'll go someplace else. That simple and I will get valuable experience. Worse comes to worse, I can buy my own truck and go back to being an O/O again. I have good credit and did well last time. No reason I can't do that again.

    It's a job, and I need those skills, good a place as any.
  8. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Sounds good! Subscribed.
  9. 426yankee

    426yankee Light Load Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Welcome to the working side of trucking! It really is different and a challenge. Even though Maverick does have a pretty good training program, the best way to improve on your skills, is to pay attention to what the other guys are doing when you go to a place to get loaded. Also do not be afraid to ask questions, most guys in F/B are more than willing to give advice and help if they can. Always cover your loads with enough chains or straps to about 100% of the weight. All of your work is open for the world to see, and they are looking. Safe travels
    TexasMike Thanks this.
  10. plentygood

    plentygood Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    Welcome to Maverick.
    TexasMike Thanks this.
  11. TrestleTime

    TrestleTime Bobtail Member

    Aug 30, 2015
    Wilkes Barre
    While I was still in school to get my CDL JimTheHut visited our school as a recruiter. He was a straight shooter and didn't seem to say things to get people in the door like some of the others. After researching what companies I wanted start with I came up with a top 3 list. Maverick always stayed at the top of that list. So I put an app in and a Maverick recruiter named John called me and has stayed in contact with me through the whole process working with me and making sure I had everything I needed and answering any and all questions I had. He basically set me up to start the weekend I wanted to. I am sure the journey will have its ups and downs but so far so good. I wanted a company that will put the time in to make sure I am trained well during the period I am in it, and not one that sees me as a team driver for 6 weeks.
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