Indian River Transport, Co. - Winter Haven, FL.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by rwings, Oct 22, 2006.

  1. drivenaway

    drivenaway Light Load Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Hi guys

    Anyone ever worked for either of them ?
    I read a couple posts on here but not alot of info available.
    Just looking for the basic info and any experiences drivers may have had with them.
    thanks for any help

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  3. dancnoone

    dancnoone "Village Idiot"

    May 6, 2007
    I haven't worked for Indian River. But drivers I know who work for them, speak highly of them. Especially the miles they get.

    Of course that's subject to change in this climate.
  4. drivenaway

    drivenaway Light Load Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    thanks for the info, appreciated.
  5. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    TLI, Transco lines, out of Ar. right? Some years back, they recruited from and hired from Australia. I talked to one of those "aussies" one time and asked him how long it took to process in etc. He said from the time he got off the plane in Russellville till the time he left the yard with a load was 12 hours, which included orientation/physical/DMV visit/app paperwork/road test. Can you say "drivers needed, badly"?
  6. Peanut Butter

    Peanut Butter Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    PO Dunk Idaho
    I applied to indian river but when you call they answer heritage, anyway everytime i call and ask for amy as she is the only recruiter they always say she is either out till a certain time and when i call back then they say she is gone for the day, wth is up with that?
  7. southernpride

    southernpride Gone But Never Forgotten

    Apr 5, 2009
    now irt has been in business a long time ive worked for them twice and for starters the company started out hauling milk out of ft lauderdale fl.

    the company was started by a fellow by the name of jack arnet one of the finest men i have ever worked for he was old school and was a pro and treated all his drivers like a pro.

    the cpompany has grown over the years and continues to grow when jack passed away his son took it over and keep building the company along with his mother mrs. maggie and she like her husband is one fine lady, sadly she is probably past on by now she was getting up in age the last time i saw her and that was quite awhile ago but the company lives on.

    now they still haul milk , and whiskey, and juice bout anything liquid encluding some hasmat.

    now ive heard that they have had a problem with clean tanks but not that i ever saw if the tank wasent clean you didnt get loaded period.

    now all there tanks are shotgun tanks meaning no baffels in them so if you dont no what your doing it can be a rough ride .

    now they might not pay as well as some but with indian river you dont sit you got to turn and burn and if you want to make money you can if you want to work.

    now i no some of you new guys dont like it but the older drivers that have shown there abilitys get most of the miles and the good runs being loyal does have its merits , and most not all today dont no what that is .

    they have been known to run anywhere , if it pays they will run it but most of the time they run the west cost then back to the east coast or did back when..

    they keep good equipment and they take care of it and they take care of the drivers but the drivers have to take care of the company.

    would i recomend the company to anyone ? you bet i would the only company out there that i would recomend and ive known a few.

    trucking companys today are like opening a can of beans there all the same if it looks like a bean it usally is no mater what the can looked like, but you can do a lot worse the indian river transport.

    there an old company with an old reputation and a good one if you do them a good job they will take care of you.

    best if lucl to all. southernpride :biggrin_25514:
  8. al_huryn

    al_huryn Medium Load Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Philadelphia, PA
    I sent them an email last week looking for info and Amy sent me an app and all. Didn't really answer me though. I have no tank experience but I think I would like to get into it possibly, do they train you for tank? The website doesn't say you need a hazmat, just a tank endorsement which I have, anything on this?
  9. Peanut Butter

    Peanut Butter Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    PO Dunk Idaho
    Al huryn i did the same as you sent an email asking a a couple questions and Amy sent the app, i filled out the app on line and finally today i was able to talk with amy after several days of getting told she was out of the office, I hope you have better luck than i did with Indian River.
  10. al_huryn

    al_huryn Medium Load Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Philadelphia, PA
    I'm off on Monday so I'll try her then, quite a few places I've called don't get back after 2-3 messages. I don't bother after that.
  11. royalfreight790

    royalfreight790 Bobtail Member

    Feb 7, 2010
    what about irt layover wait? i always se them at the flying j truck stop in edinburg,tx
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