Insurance for High Risk driver?

Discussion in 'Trucker Legal Advice' started by razor1983, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. razor1983

    razor1983 Medium Load Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    I had a DUI related accident almost 3 yrs ago in my car. I am an otr o/o leased to a small company in california. My problem is the insurance company I was insured with for the past 2 yrs has decide to drop me this year, apparently the accident hasn't shown up on my record until this year.\
    I have searched high and low for the past week for an insurer that works with high risk drivers but to no avail.
    If someone is or was in a similar situation and knows of a company that would possibly provide insurance to a high risk driver. Please tell me I am in a really rough spot here.
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  3. shredfit1

    shredfit1 Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    I really hate to say it, but you might be out of luck in this matter. This is a major problem and I have a friend in a similar situation.

    This is also the reason some smaller companies cannot hire drivers with recent DUI's.... Even if they know the guy and really want to hire them... The insurance company will threaten to drop them if they do hire them.

    Basically, insurance companies are telling employers who they can hire and who they cannot hire... via blackmail.
  4. krisfelix

    krisfelix Bobtail Member

    Aug 29, 2011
    CA, Los Angeles
    Wow, that’s really unfortunate. I’m not sure it will work, but you can see if The Hartford will give you an online auto insurance quote. I’ve been with them for a very long time, and they’ve never given me a reason to complain so it will be really good for you if they agree to take you on as a client.
  5. grimesjm1

    grimesjm1 Medium Load Member

    Nov 5, 2008

    It's not really blackmail. They don't wanna be financially responsible for someone who hasn't yet figured out that drinking and driving is a no-no.
  6. Hanadarko

    Hanadarko Independent Owner/Operator

    Oct 1, 2009
    Progressive usually insures anyone. In fact, we were talking about a client that pays over $2000/mo for insurance in the Bronx....

    No matter what, be prepared to PAY-
  7. shredfit1

    shredfit1 Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Yeah, while drinking and driving is a no,no.. It's also been taken to the extreme. Three beers at a ball game can get you popped for a DUI these days.

    While some stone sober geriatric can move back and forth across the zipper in a 35ft RV and be deemed ok, and insurable.
  8. Hanadarko

    Hanadarko Independent Owner/Operator

    Oct 1, 2009
    The only problem with this is that drinking is a conscious choice. You make a decision to drink and if it was too much - thats your problem.

    Now, the geriatric issue - thats a whole nother problem.
    Those people are getting old through no fault of their own but really shouldnt be in charge of these huge RVs w/o some sort of testing.
    It's hard to compare the 2 of them, but your right. Each has it's own set of issues to deal with.....:biggrin_25513:

    ..Avoiding any alcohol while out and avoiding any alcohol within 24hrs of launch is usually the best bet. I drink at home now and can't recall the last drink I had out. Wait, it was on the Vegas strip where I was staying. Ok to get nice and lit up there and walk all around, as long as you dont trip on your own vomit I suppose....
  9. shredfit1

    shredfit1 Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    The only problem with this is that driving a large RV is a conscious choice. You make a decision to purchase and drive a large RV if it was too much(due to age) - that's apparently is not the geriatrics problem.

    As you can see, these issues are more similar than one may think. It's just that one issue is more bastardized than the other.
  10. Injun

    Injun Road Train Member

    May 15, 2010
    West o' the Big Crick
    What I was going to suggest.

    I'm staying out of the drunks vs. geezers discussion.
  11. ZVar

    ZVar Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    Flint, MI
    Whyfor Injun? The geezers part hitting too close to home? :biggrin_25519:

    - Steven
    Injun Thanks this.
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