Roll off.... Where's my fellow trailer/wiggle wagon drivers

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by abyliks, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    Seems like everyone likes talking about boxes and flats on this site , just wondering if anyone else had had the excitement of pulling a "pup " trailer behind their roll off, I don't pull one every day but have quite often when I'm in a day cab , when I'm in a sleeper I pull a 48' spread dragon double can when I'm not hooked to my frameless, just curious and trying to start a friendly thread about pulling obscure types of equipment

    also has anyone ever pulled one of these new frameless roll off trailers ? Trying to talk to the boss into Atleast demoing one to see how they work for us as my Tare is 44,500 with one can on and pushing 50 with 2., thanks
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  3. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    I did pup for 7 out of my 8 years in rolloff, merc 430 in a sterling, cable w/ autotarp, pulling a pup. 4 cans out 2 cans back
  4. 4leggedbucket

    4leggedbucket Bobtail Member

    Feb 4, 2015
    ontario, canada
    I pull a wiggle wagon lol its a 4 axle and only holds one bin but we mainly do scrap, my paystar with a empty bin tares in at 44500 lbs without the wagon
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