Rhode Island’s truck-only tolls are currently under legal attack. But despite their constitutionality being credibly called into question, the state is considering doubling the tolls at one of the most well-travelled tolling locations. And they’d like your permission to do it.
The truck-only tolls are part of the state’s RhodeWorks program. In the first twelve months, with just two tolling locations open, the state brought in over $7.2 million. With all 13 toll gantries up and running, Rhode Island hopes to raise approximately $1 billion off of truckers within 10 years.
Location 4 is in Providence along I-95. The tolls there are expected to begin collection on March 5th, 2020. Before the proposal, the rate was approved at $2.25 per truck. The new proposal would raise that to $4.50 per truck.
When asked about the rate hike, RIDOT officials claimed that it wasn’t actually a rate hike at all. Instead they claim that the hike is because the state is considering whether it should collect tolls at another planned location or not.
According to RIDOT Communications Director Lisbeth Pettengill, the rate hike would only go into effect if the state chooses not to move forward with the other location. Nowhere in the rate hike notice is any other location mentioned, but Pettengill assured the Providence Journal that the omission is purely for legal reasons.
“It is telling that the formal, legal notice of this proposed toll increase does not include the elimination of any toll gantry,” Rhode Island Trucking Association president Christopher Maxwell said according to the Providence Journal. “RIDOT is attempting to placate the public about the doubling of this toll at a heavily trafficked location with a nice-sounding story without actually committing to the removal of the other gantry and its revenue.”
If you’d like to voice your support or opposition to the toll increase, Rhode Island encourages you to do so.
All interested parties are invited to submit written comments concerning the proposed regulations by MARCH 1, 2020 to the addresses listed below.
Mailing Address:
Jay McGinn, P.E.
Project Manager II
2 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02903
Email Address:
Source: RIDOT, overdrive, ttnews, providencejournal, truckersreport, truckersreport
Steve Duggan says
F the northeast
John silver says
Wow..are great drivers up here.
Dont you come in and try ro F Ne..
Bruce Barbee says
Isn’t this illegal !!! As it says only trucks discriminate trucks only….
Jughead says
Here we go again.
Mike says
Truckers ask your permission to double rate to deliver in Rhode Island !!!
Richard says
Just another reason for me to never run freight into or through RI. Sounds like there hiding something. Maybe another way to line the DOT’s pockets. And as an owner operator we pay to much in fees and taxes already. If you all ( all) states would start enforcing speeding and reckless laws on the general population (cars) you would increase revenue and decrease traffic with license revoking. I’m just guessing hear but, I’d say probibly 80% of non truck drivers are doing 10+mph over and cutting off other drivers Creating hazards situations every day. So at min. $100 fine for speeding and $500 fine with suspension for 1 yr. For reckless driving, hmmmmm! Think that may help?
Mike C. says
RI is a brainless state. Several years ago I was stopped at a D.O.T. check and the officerkept asking me for my bingo card and I kept telling that with nafta we don’t need one any longer . He insisted we did so I had him get his super to straighten this out . He came back and said I was correct .
Tim says
They have my permission to make it $100/truck.
Mike C. says
Its going to be so nice when they finally get them all working . I can get around all the ones I need to and a bunch of the ones I don’t They are only erecting them on the interstates and the major secondary roads that are heavily trafficed.So I would go to the less then secondary roads and not pay any tolls at all .
Lugu says
I’m not even a driver and I’m lit up over this. THEFT!
Jay says
If my memory serves me right, Orange Cheeto, promised to invest over $1.5 trillion dollars in infrastructure for the next ten years. Well, we’re waiting.
The Russian says
Ues! You have my permission to abuse me anally.
Helen says
This is one of the reasons it is so expensive in New England for consumers
John silver says
Wow..are great drivers up here.
Dont you come in and try ro F Ne.. just F NY and RI..lets boicot them.
Oh yeah.. most of us, truckers, has.no balls.to do so