Cops don't give CDL holders breaks!

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by hopeful eyes, Dec 14, 2020.

  1. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    Let's understand this a bit better and take some of the confusion out of it. If Ace Trucker who is driving for ABC Trucking gets stopped in Ohio for driving 8 MPH over the limit by a diesel cop. That cop then writes a North American inspection report along with a written warning. That violation will enter the CSA database and land on that carrier's CSA report. That warning gets filed away. If Ace Trucker can avoid getting another violation for 3 years that CSA violation goes away. There is a big difference between a Truckers DMV record and the CSA/PSP record. Let's PLEASE try to not mix them up.
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  3. ZVar

    ZVar Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    Flint, MI
    You are making the same mistake most LEO's make. There is no such thing as a written warning. If it's written on a CVSA inspection report then it's a violation. Period! There is no such thing as a warning, no matter what clueless LEO's call it.
  4. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    GO BACK and read my comment again. I fully understand the inspection is a violation that is reported to CSA as such. HOWEVER! It's NOT a DMV violation and DOES NOT land in the CDLIS!
  5. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    Just to echo my point. In the summer of 2012 I was stopped by a diesel cop in Texas and inspected. I had a speeding violation listed (11 over) on the inspection BUT was only given a written warning. To this day my official driving record is clean I have never seen that warning. However, I did see it in my carrier's CSA report. I know what I am talking about because I lived it!
  6. ZVar

    ZVar Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    Flint, MI
    I did. You might want to also. You used the term written warning. There is no such thing in regards to a CVSA inspection.
  7. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    That day in Texas I got two pieces of paper. The inspection report AND a written Texas warning like they also give non-CDL holders. You seem to be mixing these two things up. I am trying to keep them separate. I no longer have either I wish I did I would scan both and show you both. Again I know Diesel Cops don't issue warnings when it comes to these inspections, when they issue one it has a violation listed.

    This is VERY close to what I remember getting in Texas ALONG with that inspection.

  8. ZVar

    ZVar Road Train Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    Flint, MI
    I'm not mixing anything up as I'm only talking about a CVSA inspection. You are the one adding to that. Anything additional to that is just that, something additional and has nothing to do with a CVSA inspection.

    The topic was written warnings and CVSA inspections. No more, no less.
  9. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    Yep! On this, we can agree. Let's make sure to stick with CSA when it comes to talking about inspections. In these situations, there ARE NO WARNINGS! However, I entered this subject because post #38 seems to have these items mixed up. CSA is confusing enough as it is. When people discuss warnings In regard to inspections make dang sure you are articulating the correct terms. Inspections with VIOLATIONS go to CSA and HAVE NO money fines! State issued Tickets alongside an inspection also land in a driver's CDLIS/DMV record (in most cases not all) and the drivers get fined. A separate warning is just that, a warning.

    I attend Church with a retired Virginia DOT officer and another about to retire. I have discussed these kinds of issues with them now for years off and on. One thing they always point out when I bring up how unfair it is that a driver can't really fight a violation once it hits the CSA. They always answer it's because the CSA is not considered a criminal database. It's a safety database that does not affect a driver's actual driving record. Stay safe and avoid any more safety violations and the record goes away after three years. A driver has to get a lot of violations for it to become an intervention issue. Most carriers will fire a driver before this happens anyway.

    Zvar you and I have a good understanding of these processes. However, I know drivers that have driven for years that stay confused. I would hate to be a new driver trying to figure out some of these topics. It's IMPERATIVE these subjects be clear and precise!
    Badmon Thanks this.
  10. Lyle H

    Lyle H Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    I’m pretty sure the officer didn’t do a level one on his “personal car” so therefore nothing will show up on CSA.
  11. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree

    i have been stopped more than a time or 2, in my POV, and i can assure you that politeness from BOTH of us went a LONG WAY, and after apologizing for my discretion, i was let off with a warning.

    i have even been "verbally warned" when driving the truck as well.

    so from what i have been told, when i went to trucking school like 100 years ago, and is true, "your troubles start 99.999% of the times, when you OPEN YOUR MOUTH..!!"

    so SHUTTY your MOUTHY, and let the officer, or trooper, or sheriff, or constable DO THE TALKING FIRST, then, OWE UP to your mistake, and take your medicine any way it comes, either in a verbal warning, or a ticket.

    remember, it's ALWAYS UP TO THE LEO's DISCRETION, whether you go free or not....

    and cuz of what i have said..??


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