Injured helping another driver

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by asphaltcowboy4x4, Jun 5, 2021.

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  1. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    A finger gas like five solid bones one of those shattered into three pieces two seem to have come closer however the third one is way off it’s painful they have me on oxy man not to mention I have stitches underneath my nail and above my nail it’s pretty bad I’m have a broken arm. Jaw . Eye socket and this #### is the worst one finger crazy right?
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
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  3. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    U don’t understand the gravity I can’t write let alone put my cloths on it takes time 100 pound tarp lol doc restricted me to 5 pounds with my right hand and guess what!?!? I’m right handed luckily I use my left hand for naughty things ;)
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  4. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2021
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  5. Last Call

    Last Call Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    No your a crybaby little #####.. I didn't realize that 1 broken finger entitled you to a 2mth vacation and a lawsuite...
    Suck it up buttercup and be a man
    truckdriver31 and Mototom Thank this.
  6. Mototom

    Mototom Road Train Member

    May 7, 2019
    I’ve done construction while my wrist was broke. Literally sheeted a house with a broken leg. Don’t come crying to me about being a little sore.
    Take two weeks off have em wrap it and splint it go on with life till surgery time.

    if you do flatbed then you should know to pay attention to where you stick your fingers.

    It’s YOUR fault. If you were walking by and her door hit you that would be different.
    You chose to involve yourself the liability is YOURS.

    edit:That said if you have a piss poor pain tolerance and just can’t handle it #### happens. You need to sign up for short term disability insurance in the future.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
  7. roundhouse

    roundhouse Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    You’re a regular W2 employee?
    The company may have some light duty work you can do or a dry van trailer
    You can pull.
    They may be able to find loads that don’t require tarps.

    You may be eligible for unemployment .

    If You’re an o/o or a 1099 ,
    Rent or buy a dry van and in a couple of weeks your finger will feel good enough to get back to light duty stuff .

    im sorry to hear you got injured helping someone .

    The lesson here is , if this ever happens to any driver reading this thread.,

    When you’re filling out the forms . Make sure the statement says you fell off of your own truck.

    Also please tell us you didn’t pass up the short term and long term disability insurance when it was offered .

    every one buys life insurance but you’re four times
    More likely to be disabled than die from an injury. and if you die,
    You lose the income but if you’re disabled you lose the income AND someone has to take care of you.

    I got a nasty infection last year , in my intestines , called diverticulitis.
    I was in the hospital for a week and out of work for 5 weeks after that.

    glad I signed up for the short term disability insurance .
  8. RocketScott

    RocketScott Medium Load Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    If you didn't fill the prescription for oxy: Don't

    If you did fill the prescription: Throw the oxy in the garbage

    That junk is not the easy way out. You need to get better and oxy will make you worse

    That bite on your figure is going to hurt like a MF. Over the counter stuff should be all you need. Ibuprofen is great for swelling

    Doctors will tell you how long things take to heal as a CYA
  9. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    lol I’m out of work they should have given me 80mg nag only 5mg it’s like nothing for me personally but whatever belts with stinging pain like a needle
    Going into my bone don’t judge me how often do we get a green light to use oxy? For
    It anit addictive
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  10. asphaltcowboy4x4

    asphaltcowboy4x4 Medium Load Member

    Dec 22, 2018
    maybe you’ll break your whole arm
    And get 6
    Months vacation one can only
    And two months was said once dunno
    What it’ll
    truckdriver31 Thanks this.
  11. RocketScott

    RocketScott Medium Load Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    Yea, no

    It doesn't matter how you feel it. Those chemicals are still in your system

    That #### will not help you heal. I've got aftermarket parts in half my limbs and have taken more than my fair share of opioids. I'm glad I didn't take as many pain pills as were prescribed. Work on managing the pain in your head. Only take what you need to sleep for a bit
    okiedokie and truckdriver31 Thank this.
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