A little help...: )

Discussion in 'Covenant' started by newbie29, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. misssilverbullet1998

    misssilverbullet1998 Bobtail Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    I am a Covenant Transport Driver Right now its a good company just like all the others it has its faults but none no worse than any other i get good miles I am team driver and avg.7000 miles a week I have no troubles getting home I have a new truck and I get my pay check every week no problems so if you have any direct questions please ask I am leaving out for CA shortly but will respond as soon as can
    meat999 Thanks this.
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  3. ready4change

    ready4change Bobtail Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    Mobile,AL for now!!!
    Misssilverbullet, how long have you been driving with them? I was thinking of going with CRST until I found out they wouldn't allow my boyfriend to train me because he didn't have enough experience, (he has been driving 11months). I heard Covenant allows spouse training (family/friend, etc.), So I've been researching and seems Covenant wouldn't be so bad. Except now I've got to figure what to do for school :(
  4. NightWind

    NightWind Road Train Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    Sunny South, AL
    Define cooler please. Also how much experience do you have?
  5. NWTrucking

    NWTrucking Bobtail Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Denver, CO
    I used to work at a shipper/receiver in their transportation department. One day I got a call from the receptionist stating that a Covenant driver with one of our loads was at the front desk and had a question concerning the security of his trailer. His bills stated that when he stopped he was supposed to check the load for shifting, however it was 'locked shut.' I walked out into the parking lot and looked at the driver in amazement.

    "How long have you been driving?"

    He stared at his feet and replied, "This is my girlfriends and my first load out, we just got our CDL's a week ago". (Covenant has no experience requirements)

    The 'lock' was a seal. The bills clearly stated to break the seal to inspect the trailer after p/u (set out trailer) and once daily for load shifts. Upon opening the trailer I found that the driver had not inspected the trailer, had not applied load locks, and didn't know what they were.

    I never tendered another load to Covenant. This couple deserves the chance to learn trucking the same as any other CDL holder, but they also deserved basic training, not only from Covenant, but from the school they attended as well. I have no doubt he was telling me the truth, I've never met a driver who will openly admit to a customer he has no idea what a seal or load lock is unless they really don't. The impression I got from this was that the support system Covenant has in place for their new drivers is lacking if not non-existent. Orientation should teach more than the history of the company you work for.

    To be fair I have not driven for Covenant, and I did have good experiences working with their drivers as well, but this was shocking. I felt bad for this team, they were just trying to do a job they weren't prepared for.
  6. stuckinga

    stuckinga Bobtail Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Yes, my husband and I were going to go with Covenant because they would train us together, but then found out they are under investigation in TN for worker's comp
  7. traverse

    traverse Bobtail Member

    May 7, 2007
    just wanted to comment on covenant,been driving for 23 years decided to go big buiseness thought covenant had a good deal,they are a force dispatch company,yer not gonna like that,they lied to me about pay just to get me in a truck. long story short not the kind of experience you want if your just starting out,it only took 2 months for us to part ways lets put it that way...............good luck keep lookin...........go with a smaller company it always worked for me.
  8. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    They also don't use E-Z Pass. You must wait in long lines at all toll booths and then wait to get paid back.
  9. ghostrider

    ghostrider Bobtail Member

    Jun 6, 2007
    Auburn Hills MI.
    covenant i would say is like any big company and depending on who you talk to you will get good and bad responses.I worked for them for 18 months and they screwed me quite a few times on money.I say stay away,and they do have Ez-pass but you have to be dedicated,its one of the problems i had with them.Hope this helps
  10. punkrocktrucker

    punkrocktrucker Bobtail Member

    Jun 9, 2008
    tampa fl
    DON'T GO TO COVENDANT!!!!!! If Steavans was bad Covendant will be much worse!
  11. meat999

    meat999 Light Load Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    Det, MI
    i was going to try stevens-- but instead I go to covanent next week. anything wrong with them??
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