Hopper, Dump O/O's & Drivers

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by wheathauler, May 31, 2009.

  1. dairyman

    dairyman <b> Hopper Thread Greeter</b>

    Oct 31, 2009
    Ky.,wait'n in line
    Hope it dries up for ya'll,i'm just like ya though,i HATE them dang mosquitos too. Where did you get your digital rain guage?:biggrin_255:
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  3. Big John

    Big John Road Train Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Their is some pretty good vids on harvesting, farming and a lot on trucks and trucking also. You can find about everything on youtube.
    dairyman Thanks this.
  4. RW.

    RW. Heavy Load Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    west central IL
    Oh yeah, we're wet, been raining since maybe Saturday. We thought last year was bad, this year could actually be worse for some people if the weather doesn't break out of this pattern. There are folks not far west of us that hardly have any beans planted, they were replanting corn the last time it was dry enough, then couldn't get caught up. The corn around here is anywhere from 5ft to 5" tall, drowned out and short spots in nearly every field. There are some very good looking beans, and some small ones, and some unplanted fields with weeds over knee high. There is hardly any wheat around here, I only know of one field in our county and it is contracted for seed wheat. This fall there will be early corn, late corn, everything in between. We may be in the field from Labor Day to Christmas around here. Last year we were in the field till almost Christmas, but hardly did anything until mid-Oct. This year could be a marathon harvest.
    dairyman Thanks this.
  5. wheathauler

    wheathauler Trucker

    Mar 10, 2009
    Hutch, Kansas
    The meadowlark is our state bird, if it keeps raining may be a seagull.

    That worries me too RW on trying to catch up. The farmers are going to be cutting like crazy to get it in.
    dairyman Thanks this.
  6. dairyman

    dairyman <b> Hopper Thread Greeter</b>

    Oct 31, 2009
    Ky.,wait'n in line
    Big John,have you ever seen those guys drag racing their Large Car Pete's and W9's,i think they are from Canada:biggrin_2556:,i can't think of their names,but the video is in french,i think? They are some frame-twisters.thats for sure. I bet someone on here has seen them
  7. wheathauler

    wheathauler Trucker

    Mar 10, 2009
    Hutch, Kansas
    My wife got the digital rain guage for me...she can't remember where she got it. I'll find another one shortly. I've been high tech last few days, 5 gallon bucket and a ruler.
    dairyman Thanks this.
  8. dairyman

    dairyman <b> Hopper Thread Greeter</b>

    Oct 31, 2009
    Ky.,wait'n in line
    I hate haveing to be towed,you just can't ever get a feel for the truck,maybe its easier for you folks,but i always hate hooking to a chain:biggrin_25524:,thats the worst thing about rain,harvest and dirt roads. You get those 3 together and around here,the tow chains will be next.
    wheathauler Thanks this.
  9. dairyman

    dairyman <b> Hopper Thread Greeter</b>

    Oct 31, 2009
    Ky.,wait'n in line
    :biggrin_2559::biggrin_2559: Yep,5 gal bucket around here too. I normally can get a good reading on the ruler with all the ground corn dust floating on top of the water:biggrin_2559: so we are hgh-tech too
    wheathauler Thanks this.
  10. RW.

    RW. Heavy Load Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    west central IL
    That's one of the parts I don't miss at all. The 2nd season I worked, got behind, then ran some 20 hr days trying to catch up. Get up at 7, if there wasn't any dew at night, cut everything full, get in around 2 or 3, repeat till total exhaustion. They tried their best to give everyone a chance to catch a nap at some point in the day, I remember hauling into the elevator in the afternoons and there would be a combine driver napping in my sleeper. Us drivers usually got a nap when the elevators closed for the night, until they got us full and headed in.
    wheathauler and Big John Thank this.
  11. bullhaulerswife

    bullhaulerswife Forum Leader/Admin Staff Member Administrator

    Jul 23, 2007
    WH, watch out for the skeeters, they are really bad here now. Today was the first day we didn't have any rain. Sat outside this evening for a bit, and became skeeter snack! UGH!
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