Discussion in 'Knight' started by MattMichigan, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. mack2

    mack2 Bobtail Member

    May 2, 2010
    here and there
    I was with Knight also but moved on after being lied to and jacked around.
    Guess what people...You get what you put up with!!!
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  3. truckerdave1970

    truckerdave1970 On Probation

    Dec 15, 2008
    Rochester, NY
    I think you got some BROWN STUFF ON YOUR NOSE!!!

    Now I understand where You are coming from! Enjoy your night out office pouge!

    Tell Mr. KNIGHT, if it weren't for me and all the other people that he has cheated over the years, he would just be a broke ### loser like the rest of us! I'd give my right arm to punch his lights out!!!
    I better stop before I get banned.
    Erick chapel Thanks this.
  4. Dna Mach

    Dna Mach Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    and I thought I was the only one that was greeted every day with blatant lies and shear dishonesty. :biggrin_2559:They will say anything to cover one junk load. Why else would they open a training academy in this current climate? To replace those with a spine and pride that quit in droves daily which happens to be a few more people that they suspected. :biggrin_2559:
  5. tracyq144

    tracyq144 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 15, 2009
    LOL, I see my sarcasm went waaaaay over your head.

    I really think you need to get your meds adjusted.
  6. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Another disingenuous "office rouge' trying to cover up Knight's multitude of sins against drivers....pretty disgusting to say the my 5 yrs with Knight out of Phx, I saw how drivers moved up within the Knight org by sucking up to and putting up with the Knight co.'ve been busted,!! :biggrin_25522:

    That's the oldest and most worn out cliche on the Inet in a last ditch attempt at 'winning' a discussion..sorry, but YOU lose!
  7. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    My past experience with ppl who used that worn out cliché, is that 9/10 of them were 'passive-aggressive women.'

    Add that to my experience with ppl who worked at Phx from the Knight family (last names 'Knight') of which there were around 10 that I met, there was a 'young lady' there with that last name called 'Tracy.' And, of course, she would be making all the Knight banquets, celebrating making $$$ off of the backs of sincere, unsuspecting driver's.....

  8. tracyq144

    tracyq144 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 15, 2009
    Last two comments not even worth a reply. I drive, I am not in the Knight family, and you two really are sick, what with all your hate.

    You just can't let it go, can you? Just because the both of you were apparently too stupid and/or sissy to stand up and get what was due you (otherwise why did you work so long at Knight while they were apparently screwing you every minute you were there?), does not mean everyone else is the same way.

    I have absolutely no respect for people like you two, people who apparently feel that everyone owes you a living, and they owe you that living in just the way you like.

    Who, may I ask, forced you to work for Knight? Who made you stay after you found out it was so bad?

    Whiners and babies.
  9. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Like I said before, I drove for Knight during both the good times (when it was a smaller, driver-friendly company) and the bad times (when it later grew and became a Swift wannabe co.).

    For a 19 yr driver, that's some hissy fit you just threw!! Again, whomever you are, you are disingenuous in your posting as well as pretty good at throwing immature tantrums.......My previous passive-aggressive 'person' guess still holds.:biggrin_25522:
  10. tracyq144

    tracyq144 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 15, 2009
    Yeah, I apologize, kind of flew off the handle there. Sorry.

    I guess I just get a little angry when someone criticizes where I work because that kind of feels like they are criticizing me, because I work there.

    I have had good jobs, great jobs, and a few really crappy jobs in my life, and I was in a really crap job (not trucking) when I applied at Knight. I'd been off the road for nearly a year at the time, and it just felt good to get back in a truck, you know? And since I try to be a "half full" type of person, I guess they don't seem so bad to me. Every company I have ever driven for (6 total, in almost 20 years) had good points, and bad points. Best company I ever worked for (good pay, good equipment, great time off) went out of business because they couldn't compete anymore without changing their whole way of doing business, and they refused.

    Anyway, I guess we just see things from a different perspective.

    Again, apologies.
  11. truckers

    truckers Bobtail Member

    Sep 7, 2010
    I haven't refused any loads, that's the problem. I should have. How was the banquet? I haven't had lobster since I don't know when. Don't feel like chatting... $300 check is not really a truck driver check. may be walmart employees, or some part time workers. Average pay is $400 a week. Truck driver sacrifices his life for that crappy job. And he should be getting paid. You miss on everything... life, family, events, friends, kids... sorry right now I feel like a Chinese slave worker, although I'm not a Chinese and I'm not slave. just working for knight, that's all.
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