Where are you

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by Cruz31307, Sep 28, 2009.

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  1. Pegasus

    Pegasus Medium Load Member

    Aug 27, 2011
    in the universe
    My husband just called while getting loaded in Michigan to go somewhere else. I told him, "I see you forgot your peanut butter - like I am going to eat THAT! And you forgot your grape jelly which I can eat and my yellow bowl which I can use." He said, "Oh, I just forgot the peanut butter and jelly and do not need the bowl any more. I will pick up the peanut butter and jelly next run through the house."

    NOTE: I am ingestional and touch and airborne allergic to nuts, hence I do not even open peanut butter and do not allow anything with nuts in it into the house. Bad thing was last night, hubby's brother came over to talk to me and brought a candy bar into the bedroom where my computer is (we were trying to figure out why his Internet was down and mine was up - we live 100 yards apart) and, since I had my lights off, I could not see the cover for the candy bar and kept wondering why I was getting progressively more congested. As he was leaving he asked if he had brought over a candy bar, went to give it to him and he said I could keep it so I asked what kind it was and he said it has nuts in it. I exclaimed "And you brought it into my house open?!" He said "but it is closed by being folded over!" DUH! NOT good enough! I was on Benadryl for next 12 hours!
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  3. 07-379Pete

    07-379Pete Crusty Commando-Pete

    Oct 3, 2008
    Campbellsville, Ky
    Ok.........me being me, I just cant let this one go. Where dose your husband sleep at when hes home?
    teddy_bear6506 and Injun Thank this.
  4. Lilbit

    Lilbit Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Let me check my logbook
    Injun Thanks this.
  5. Rocks

    Rocks Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2008
    It's not big and it's ugly, looks dirty, crowded.... there's a big nice service plaza on I-90 E about 5 miles from there... well, that's only if you are going that way anyway...
  6. teddy_bear6506

    teddy_bear6506 I'm Vintage

    May 23, 2009
    Between Valhalla and Hades
    Knew there would be one nut here who wouldn't let that comment go unnoticed :biggrin_25517::biggrin_25520::biggrin_25522:
    07-379Pete Thanks this.
  7. Jolsen

    Jolsen Heavy Load Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    East of the big crick
    Loose Goose i think...
    Still east bound 90 in Big Sky Country.
    I all ways forget how big this state is.

    I will catch the Injun one day.

    Injun Thanks this.
  8. Jolsen

    Jolsen Heavy Load Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    East of the big crick
    Welcome to the black hole of freight WY
  9. groundpounder

    groundpounder Road Train Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    Just east of Rawlins in a rest area...
  10. Pegasus

    Pegasus Medium Load Member

    Aug 27, 2011
    in the universe
    He sleeps just fine in his own bed and I sleep just fine in mine (I have Restless Leg Syndrome "RLS" and have to have the TV on to be able to sleep and cannot sleep until very early in the morning - he does not like getting beat up while we are both asleep and cannot sleep with a TV on in the room he is in and cannot have someone crawling into the bed while he is sleeping or he wakes up, even the cats wake him up if they crawl into bed with him but I am used to sleeping with up to 5 cats in bed with me). Actually, we use a different word for what he has and I am not allergic to him unless he ate edible nuts too close to the time he is around me. Okay, bet someone will make a comment about "edible nuts" LOL
    07-379Pete Thanks this.
  11. American-Trucker

    American-Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    im in Springville, UT on my way to Los Angeles, CA

    American Trucker
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