Any gay friendly training companies?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by gaytrucker, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. gaytrucker

    gaytrucker Bobtail Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    Maybe we need a gay trucker part in the forums??
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  3. end of the road

    end of the road Heavy Load Member

    Jul 4, 2010
    Northern Canada
    No I don't think we do. You want to talk about "gay" go to a gay forum, want to talk about trucks go to a trucks forum, want to talk about horticulture go to a horticulture forum.

    You're gay, that's great. I don't care though, nor should anybody else so finding a outfit that is specifically geared for gays sort of enables the discriminatory ways of the ignorant.

    You are what you are, it should not make a difference in your work life. It doesn't for a hetero so why should it for a gay man?
  4. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    We'll put it right below the straight truckers forum.

    It's funny how ones whole life is centered around their sexuality. Gay or straight, there's alot more to life than that. A gay trucker posted 2 pages back, said he doesn't let his sexuality dictate who he is. BINGO! He's just a person that has choices. He doesn't run around flaunting it striving for attention. He doesn't stereotype with a butch haircut or deliberately change the way he talks. That's the part I don't get. Many gays think they have to act a certain way. That's so fake!
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  5. comingback4good

    comingback4good Light Load Member

    Aug 26, 2011
    I couldn't care less what your sexual orientation is. Just keep the wheel side down and we wont have any problems. Trucking takes all kinds. There are stereotypes of truckers that most people not familiar with the industry hold. Just like there are stereotypes of gay people. There is a shed of truth behind all stereotypes, but the reality is you would be hard-pressed to find a more broad cross-section of the population as you find in trucking. Of any industry I can think of trucking is probably one where a gay person would have a relatively easy time and not be subjected to very much discrimination in particular. We all just wanna get down the road safely.
  6. gaytrucker

    gaytrucker Bobtail Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    I agree its about going down the road safely. But you also cant tell me that if you saw two guys holding hands somewhere that most people would think differently than a guy and girl? I asked for a gay trucker sub forum. Kinda like we have newbies, union, religion, and so on.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  7. Injun

    Injun Road Train Member

    May 15, 2010
    West o' the Big Crick
    Well, I'm not convinced a gay truckers' forum is necessary. I'm sure you can start a social group if you choose.

    Is it part of who you are? Absolutely. Is it the only thing you are? If it is, I think you need new priorities. I have a lot of gay friends. Their sexuality and lifestyles are not the only defining parts of their lives. They are men. They are truckers. They have families. They are partners. They are professionals. Oh, and they happen to love other men.

    Is that concept so difficult?

    Regarding holding hands in a truck stop and the reactions you may encounter. Are you looking for a place to work or are you trying to change the world? How about finding a job first, eh?
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  8. gaytrucker

    gaytrucker Bobtail Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    Not a hard concept at all. I just know the realities and struggles of life. So your telling me nobody would give a care if two men were to walk across a parkiing lot holding hands?
  9. rogueunh

    rogueunh Road Train Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Tell me this, what exactly would the topics be in the gay forum?

    List off 5 topics that would be discussed.
  10. end of the road

    end of the road Heavy Load Member

    Jul 4, 2010
    Northern Canada
    Ohh this could be fun.

    Gay trucking topics......

    Glad-hands, not just in public restrooms anymore.

    He said, he said.

    Back door deliveries
  11. BNR32

    BNR32 Heavy Load Member

    Aug 20, 2010
    denver, CO
    lot of good points. the best way to avoid drama is keep it to yourself. no one really needs to know. its unfortunate you cant always openly be yourself, but i still have to listen to like 5 guys a week ramble on about how much they have X race or whatever, so thats the realiztic solution. i like to keep my personal business and work business seperate anyway, its not that hard. theres really no reason your preference should ever have to come up in a conversation and it is not a question on any job applications. and if you have the sterotypical gay lisp or something just buy one of those darth vader voice disguisers. [/bad joke]
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