CSA scores = NO PREPASS?

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by Frog7950, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Frog7950

    Frog7950 Bobtail Member

    Jun 15, 2012
    he runs legal, its just the fact of time. he likes to be first truck in line, "we're gonna sleep in their driveway, we gotta ride." hours run out? yup. depending on how far, if we're within 45 miles of the place, he'll roll on. anymore he'll stop.
    our problem with scales is the time they waste, we lose 4 minutes in one. 4 minutes count if your trying to beat rush hour.
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  3. aiwiron

    aiwiron Road Train Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Sunny Tampa Florida
    Pre pass can track all the movement, speed and time. I say no thanks!
  4. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    doesn't qualcomm do the same ?
    DrtyDiesel Thanks this.
  5. MNdriver

    MNdriver Road Train Member

    Feb 24, 2012

    Only time it would be worth it
  6. aiwiron

    aiwiron Road Train Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Sunny Tampa Florida
    Yes but not linked to the government DOT, pre pass is a government owned and operated system. Think Qualcomm by the DOT.
  7. grizzly

    grizzly Medium Load Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    Layton, Ut
    You guys are way off. Prepass is a privately owned entity that contracts with specific states for their services. It CAN NOT be used against your log book, that's part of the agreement. Norpass (the other service like Prepass) can be used against your log book.

    The state of Oregon tried to get Prepass records on a driver a few years ago and even took it to court and LOST. One Prepass scale can not even see if you have been though another, they are not linked.
  8. lonelyswmtrucker

    lonelyswmtrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2011
    down the bayou
    i hate to tell u but i think u got some BAD info, cause the dot WILL use pre pass against ur log book, i've already went through 6 inspections (utah, washington, oregon, wyoming, colorado, nebraska) & have matched my logs back to pre pass & each time u go through scales in alot of states they put in ur VIN on ur truck to identify when u went through. even if as u say that was the agreement that u say was to happen, well, it sure isn't happening that way & will continue
    aiwiron Thanks this.
  9. grizzly

    grizzly Medium Load Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    Layton, Ut
    "PrePass does not retain any timestamp information that could be used for enforcement purposes."

    That is a direct quote from the Prepass web site. The scales keeping track of your VIN have nothing to do with Prepass. Colorado has been tracking VIN's for years, and it has nothing to do with Prepass, they track everyone. In Washington they have cameras at the scales to photograph your truck as you go through, again it has nothing to do with Prepass.

    Just so you know, Washington and Oregon are not even Prepass states. They use Norpass. Norpass does not have an agreement to protect your information and CAN be used against your log book.
    TRUCK3R M1KE Thanks this.
  10. Guntoter

    Guntoter Road Train Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    Phoenix, AZ
    May be off topic but an FYI non the less.

    I was in the coop at Blythe when a truck with Pre-Pass went by (obviously had a red light). The cop looked up and saw him go by, he said "we'll stop him at Banning". He then proceeded to type something on his PC. Of course I inquired about how they would get him. He said "red flag his Pre-Pass". They have more CHP officers at Banning so if he stops they will look at his log book to determine if he was the one driving at Blythe. Of course if he blows the Banning coop then they have enough officers to go chase him down.
    aiwiron Thanks this.
  11. aiwiron

    aiwiron Road Train Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Sunny Tampa Florida
    Oregon is a prepass


    Washington state link also

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