Dealing with IDIOT 4 wheelers

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by 379exhd, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. maffy95

    maffy95 Light Load Member

    Oct 20, 2012
    Ok here goes... I do not believe you did much right in these situations... why are you in such a hurry... slow down and you will feel much better... really you will...

    Now listen carefully... slowing down does not mean slamming the brakes... you are not on the road to prove anything... you do not need to show another driver how good you are!!! Let them go... trust me this will become easier and easier the more you do it... turn the radio on and just drive...

    You are speaking in terms such as 4 wheeler was trying to disadvantage your driving ability but what you are failing to understand is that they are only trying to advantage their own situation... do not get involved with sparring or jousting with 4 wheelers... take a breath and enjoy your ride... music, talk radio, find something to get yourself from challeging every car you deam as trying to hold you back...

    Do not fear slowing a car down to pass a slower moving truck just be consistent with your movements... nothing disjointed... meaning do not deliberately slow down to slow the car down because you believe he is tailgating you...

    At times it may seem the cars are working in unison but I can assure you they are not... let them run... you should be more tolerant now that you are going to be a father (congratulations). Remember that car does not understand how trucks operate (nor do they care).

    I wish you the best out there because its not easy... but YOU can determine how you day is going to be not the 4 wheelers.

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  3. EZX1100

    EZX1100 Road Train Member

    Aug 18, 2012
  4. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    I would have no problem passing a 62mph truck if hes in the far RIGHT lane where he should be, not in the middle lane trying to get around a truck going 61.5mph and its illegal for me to be in the far LEFT lane.

    Not saying that your one of those guys Dino, just so happens there is ALOT of them.
  5. Dinomite

    Dinomite Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2012
    Looking 4 Rocks
    Well I guess you will have to slow down and enjoy the ride.
  6. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Calling 911 is exempt from the handsfree law in cmv....
  7. 379exhd

    379exhd Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    rolling through hell
    Seriously?!?! I had a trooper tell me different one time he said NO USAGE IS NO USAGE! Thank you and dino how can i enjoy the ride sitting behind 2 guys drag racing at 62 and 61.5 i cant use a camera to put a video of it on youtube lol
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2013
  8. dca

    dca Road Train Member

    May 31, 2011
    and why can't the 62 mph truck pass the 61 mph truck? if the 62 mile an hour must fall into a speed formation then all should.. patience is a virtue.. I don't subscribe to the so called 4 wheeler belief system.. safe or unsafe is all based on the driver of whatever one is driving..
  9. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    Your right, I'm wrong, you keep doing a good job @ 62mph there driver.
    379exhd Thanks this.
  10. 379exhd

    379exhd Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2012
    rolling through hell
    While i pass him at 70, you pass me at 75, and the 4 wheeler passes us running 80?
  11. Tonythetruckerdude

    Tonythetruckerdude Crusty Deer Slayer

    Dec 8, 2012
    hunting...../ retired
    379exhd, Congrats on the new kid coming to you and your wife. If you really want some advice , I'll try and give you some. Its really hard sometimes to deal with the slower traffic and folks in cars, but we must always think and realize that most of them don't have a clue about driving, they get in the car , turn on the radio, and then start talking on the phone...and its always the truckers fault for being in the way. But one thing is for certain they are not going any where, they have always been there and always will be, and they will always do stupid and really dangerous I've said all of this leading up to saying.... YOU ( the professional driver ) MUST be able to put yourself above all of the silly things that people in cars do.....By that I mean drive in a safe courteous manner, expecting them to always do something that you are gonna have to react to...expect them to...b/c they will. IMO the best thing right now is for you to look at your wife and your new baby as the most important 2 reasons for you to slow down just a little...let this stuff roll off your back....get the job done and get home to your new family...may take just a little longer, but the stress level will be alot less.....Just an old hands safe...
    rockee, 379exhd, LaBubba and 1 other person Thank this.
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