trucking companies that do not govern trucks or can at least do 70 mph

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by txrep, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. txrep

    txrep Bobtail Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    Hi ..I'm new to the forum..I want to know if there are any companies that do not govern their trucks or at least the one's that can go 70mph..any help would be appreciated.
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  3. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Did you want a company that pays decent money, or one that puts shiny bits on the truck and let's you run 75-80 to give you the illusion you're making lots of money?

    Most companies dont run much over 65. There's good reasons why.
  4. Voltrucker

    Voltrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    West TN
    A&R Transport. 70mph, nice truck, good pay. They are a bulk hauling company.
    txrep and Logan76 Thank this.
  5. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Why does speed matter long as u get miles and pay. And the truck I drive runs 70. Where do u live
  6. SheepDog

    SheepDog Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sand Lake, MI
    100,000 / 6mpg (miles per gallan) = $63,000 a year for fuel. Lets just use this as the base for my point. If you are paying for fuel, which you are not, the owner of the truck will. At any rate, lets say that we use physics for just a minute. Now you know that the faster we try to go the more fuel it will take to get that extra speed. If the truck gets around 6mpg at say, 62mph, how much do you think it will get at 70mph? Lets say it only takes a little extra fuel to get her up your getting about 5mpg Use a number like 100,000 for the miles that truck will put on the odometer for the year. Divide that by 5mph and you get 20,000 gallons of fuel to goo 100,000 miles. Used the same formula for above numbers, just used 6mpg up top and 5mpg for the final numbers. Now, if we take that 20,000 gallons and multiply it by say, $3.80 a gallon we get $76,000 If you owned the truck, driver, how fast would you want the driver to go? Now, all this being said, my numbers are just an example of what is possible, every truck is different but, 1mpg is definetly not out of the picture for an increase of .8mph
    natedogg323, MarkH129, Jeck and 7 others Thank this.
  7. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Good point sheep I run 70 and get 6.3 mpg lol
  8. G3Truks

    G3Truks Light Load Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    The poor man just asked if anyone knew a trucking company that lets the trucks run 70.......he didn't ask for a lecture......
  9. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    We'll then he shouldn't of asked lol
  10. G3Truks

    G3Truks Light Load Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    reminds me of my 3rd ex wife Betty. Ask her what time it is and she tells you how to build a watch....LOL..
  11. CaliforniaxCowboy

    CaliforniaxCowboy Light Load Member

    Apr 12, 2013
    As a company driver, the option to run 70-75mph would be a heavily utilized blessing. As an owner operator, I wouldn't make a habit of it. I find it ironic that most companies turn the mph up for their O/O's, when it's the O/O's who tend to try and run the most efficiently...
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