JBS Carriers Greeley Colorado

Discussion in 'JBS Trucking' started by rickway65, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Dinomite

    Dinomite Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2012
    Looking 4 Rocks
    Seems like another 3,000 mile week, and what do you ask will seal the deal. A Tunnel HIll,GA to Aurora,Co again. Kinda liking this capet hauling, but had some damage to inside of trailer. So I'll look for same damage after this load. Sitting @ the Pilgrims in Kentucky now. Going to take that to Gainsville, GA. Then head to pick up my carpet load. It was ready to roll when I got there last week. 10 or so hours b4 apt pick up. Hopefully it will be another hook and book. Good day and happy trails!!
    Milkman719 Thanks this.
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  3. PikesPeak

    PikesPeak Light Load Member

    Gotta love the email I received today, from their recruiter,

    "I have been trying to reach you regarding your application. Please call me at ***-***-****, If I do not hear back from you within the next 2 days, I will disqualify your application."

    There's no attitude there at all.
  4. Milkman719

    Milkman719 Medium Load Member

    May 29, 2013
    Colorado Springs
    Apply for the job and you don't even call back? Most employers would give you a call and if you don't call them back then your app goes in the trash. I think the sensible thing would be to call back and explain that your not ready.
    Dinomite Thanks this.
  5. PikesPeak

    PikesPeak Light Load Member

    The sensible thing to do is move onto a respectful employer thats next on the list, not another Colorado "at will" employer that cares less about their employees like all of those I have worked for all my life in Colorado. Plus, if you are going to threaten me I can guarantee you it's not a workplace, but just a paycheck. Oh, and I am ready, just making certain I get them most from an employer that wants the most from me.
  6. Milkman719

    Milkman719 Medium Load Member

    May 29, 2013
    Colorado Springs
    just don't understand why you would apply and not call back. When you find this "respectable" company that hires new drivers be sure to call them back. Not sure what you mean by "at will" if you mean being fired then you will be sadly mistaken. As a new driver you will just be a number until you prove yourself and at some companies even when you prove yourself you will still be a number. Good Luck sounds like you will go far in the trucking industry. oh and Colorado has some good Employers it just takes certain skill sets to work for them.
  7. PikesPeak

    PikesPeak Light Load Member

    The next time you fill out a Colorado job application read that which you are signing. "[h=2]Definition of Employment-At-Will[/h]Colorado follows the legal doctrine of "employment-at-will" which provides that in the absence of a contract to the contrary, neither an employer nor an employee is required to give notice or advance notice of termination or resignation. Additionally, neither an employer nor an employee is required to give a reason for the separation from employment. In Continental Airlines Inc. v. Keenan (1987), the Colorado Supreme Court recognized at-will employment in Colorado, and noted that there may be certain exceptions to the presumption of at-will employment.

    Colorado employer(s) can, and will get rid of you for no reason-At Will. Although if you choose to stop one day, and quit-which you legally can per their own "at will" law, they will knock you for not giving a 2 week notice. Its simply a power game, for them.

    As for working for "great" Colorado employers; I have been for 36 years, and they suck. They could care less about you. The few opportunities I have had to work outside of Colorado have been nice-without any b*llsh*t "at will" workplace politics. As for my skill(s) set, it's better than terrific. When company headhunters, from human resources, seek me out via my resume-the skills speak for themselves. Its simply time to move onward to employers outside of Colorados worthless labor scene.
  8. Dinomite

    Dinomite Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2012
    Looking 4 Rocks
    Wow you aren't even a driver, but you sure do have the crappy attitude of one. Dude you are in the wrong industry thinking some trucking company is going to blow roses up your butt. Nobody gives a crap about you. Its a cotton picking job. Do your job and go home. Stop looking for respect. Respect yourself and you won't get your feelings hurt. Do your job better then the next guy and you won't have to worry about them firing you for no reason whatsoever. Please do move on. JBS doesn't need whiners.
    Milkman719 Thanks this.
  9. PikesPeak

    PikesPeak Light Load Member

    Amazingly, your attitude does explain it all-in the above answer. Those of us that seek a lifestyle, not just a paycheck, do alot of research to get to that point, and then move forward. If you are going to just walk in the door, and work for any old Dairy Queen, when you can work at the newly remodeled Dairy Queen-and make the best of it. Why not go for the best one?
  10. Dinomite

    Dinomite Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2012
    Looking 4 Rocks
    Dude let me come off from the top rope. Jimmy supper fly snuka style. This is years of experience speaking. Get out your pen and take notes.

    1. All your research if fruitless. You are doing research and not working? Not sure if you have your cdl or if you have a cdl and its collecting dust because of your search for the best company. Dude we are all different. The worst company to one person may be the best to the next.

    2. LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. The better companies probably don't even hire in your area. Don't be like me. I've been trying to get home to OKC since yesterday and I'm still stuck in Colorado, and at the present time won't be in OKC till 11am. You will learn through trial and era about living far from company terminals.

    3. Mergers and Acquisitions. You did all your research you found a great company, and then Swift buys them out. Now what.

    Trucking has more ugly then good. So pick what you can handle and just do it. Or just be a TTR wanna be who never gets a gig, but just researches them.

    That's all for now you can find more tips in my Best Seller "Super trucka giving the bizness" to dummies. On a truck stop shelf this fall. Get it while the gettings good. We back quiet~~~~~~~~~Yeeeeee Hawwwwwwwww
    Lightside and Milkman719 Thank this.
  11. PikesPeak

    PikesPeak Light Load Member

    Ref: #1. Research is NEVER fruitless, it's beneficial education gained, for ones own benefit, and if you did (but I'm guessing you never did) look to the left and read the header under my name it doesn't say driver. Does it? I do not have cdl....yet. I guarantee you I will. You are absolutely correct a great company to another may just be the worst. Thats why I research.

    #2. Your right location, location, location, and your stuck in Colorado. It's a sh*thole, that's why I am getting out, for better. Did you even read the last few posts about the employment here?

    #3. Mergers happen, it's business. Ok, Swift buys Spacely Sprockets, and turns it into a company, from .45cents a mile to .25cents a mile. Now what? You're are going to tell me that you are going to stay, for almost half the pay?

    #4. Oh there's no number four, but we will put it under the "Trucking has more ugly then good. So pick what you can handle and just do it." You are absolutely correct, from everything I have read here, and here's that ugly word again "researched", I expect to pick that which I can handle, and just do it.

    #5. Yeah I know, there ain't no number 5. Well there is, and it all rolls back to the experienced trucker I spoke to intially a few months ago-when researching, and we we're discussing the education level of the fellow people I would be working with when I asked him if i would be dealing with a total mass of 12th grade educated people. His answer was "if that much."

    Why do I need to purchase your book ""Super trucka giving the bizness" to dummies" at truckstop when I can research, and buy it on amazon two months after its intial printing, for 1/15th the price?

    P.S.-I don't need to read it. I was actually given an advanced, but not yet released, copy of an Ebook on trucking this weekend by a tenured trucker. I am certain it will be a great read-and explain even more about the trucking industry lifestyle. Be patient, and do not do any research, you can buy it later online. In the meantime I will read it for free since I researched the person that wrote it, spoke to them, and was given a free copy by that person.

    Oh, and I haven't even come off of the top rope..................yet.
    Dinomite Thanks this.
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