Glad I moved over to Poly Trucking

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by chemster, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    It's his cell phone. There are no departments.
    All 4 of them are sitting right next to each other.
    You can send him a text message if you want.
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  3. LilRobWayne

    LilRobWayne Medium Load Member

    Oct 17, 2012
    Well, I see you're still having a tough time here at Poly. I really thought you'd have things turned around by now. I know truck problems really suck here as we've posted many times on this forum. However, usually that stuff gets turned around in time. I just keep trading up on trucks and eventually find a better one. I still have some bumps every now and again over here. However, to read this forum lately is disappointing. I mean I'm not doing anything special and it's still a far cry better than A LOT of places out there. I agree some things need to be better for sure. I just read post after post about how bad things are and just have to shake my head and bite my lip. I'm not selling it as peaches and cream but these posts are pathetic lately. I'm really hoping things turn around for you SSB. I was glad you came over here to Poly and hope things get better for you. I've just always felt that if a guy like me can make it work so well then you shouldn't have any problems making it work for you. Anyways, sorry if I'm not singing the blues. I appreciate all drivers that post here. I just continue to learn and move forward. Best of luck to you and take care out there for now. :)
  4. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    I'll have to side with LRW here. I fortunately haven't had too many issues with the trucks that have caused me major downtime, I have for the most part been able to jump in a loaner and keep making money while my regular truck got fixed. With all pay considered a person should be able to knock out close to 75k to 80k gross per year if they run decently hard. Perhaps I just had some really good fortune in finding a few runs that I liked that always seemed to have ready backhauls that allowed me to keep rolling nonstop and allowed me to keep ahead of the game with getting on the load board in a timely manner. Compared to Crete it ain't even close. I am sure there are a few gigs out there that might be better than poly for a company driver but from my past experiences and my experiences here with the minimal headaches that I have had to deal with this will be the last driving job I will have.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
  5. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    I run into more Poly drivers out here on the road (not just in the rumor room at the Grand Prairie Compound) having very similar experiences as I am. In fact, the No. 1 complaint being heard is the long wait times (mostly)for back haul, and the No. 2 complaint is the overall lack of coordination out of our new dispatch team which is causing a symptom that never use to be an issue here...I am referring to the Us vs Them feeling drivers are getting from dealing with both departments(outbound and back haul) and shop issues are a tied for a distant 3rd. It's sad, but I bet dollars to donuts that management won't admit that driver turnover is at an all time high right now, and not just recent drivers like me, but longer term drivers in the 5 -7 year range are giving up and leaving. It really is starting to feel like a mega-trucking company here more and more.
  6. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    In some ways I agree...compared to Crete...Poly's worst day is still head and shoulders above Crete's best day...however, I had high hopes to see mid-$60's this year, but with this regular dose of hurry up and wait for loads, it has not only crushed those dreams, but has me hoping I make it to $60k this year. And it isn't from a lack of trying I have changed my usual operating areas, with no effect...pushed harder than my usual to get empty earlier, with no effect, in fact, the only way I could get myself on the boards any faster to get better load choices would be with a time machine or a crystal ball so I could predict what's 2 steps ahead.
    Dinomite Thanks this.
  7. radioshark

    radioshark Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    My issue has backhaul. Went and planned on taking 3 days off ended up being 8. The Only Reason I Got Out Of The House Was Someone Broke down. Then unloaded Friday am. Had to wait till this am to reload with a 90 mike dh. It has been like this for over 8 weeks now. The week b4 that unloaded Friday am and had to wait till Monday to reload. I have not reloaded the same day as I have emptied out in over 2 months. The last 3 weeks I have run a total of 3000 miles. I can't do this anymore
    xlsdraw and Dinomite Thank this.
  8. tucker

    tucker Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    To the top of my favorites page.
  9. ArmyGuy

    ArmyGuy Heavy Load Member

    Jun 21, 2011
    Hudson, Florida
    Finished this 4 drop load out of up north today, parked at the loves in Bordentown NJ.
    Got a backhaul picking up in Middletown PA tomorrow going to Houston for Monday boooo. Everytime I want to go home my backhaul goes to Houston to delay me a couple days.
    Oh well they approved me for a 900 same so that adds 200 miles to the trip and gets my paperwork turned in. Easy week....
    Dinomite and tucker Thank this.
  10. LilRobWayne

    LilRobWayne Medium Load Member

    Oct 17, 2012
    I certainly have to agree that my experiences with this group of Outbound and BackHaul folks hasn't been the greatest. In fact, I would have to say it's some of the worst I've dealt with here. Sadly, it doesn't have to be that way. They've certainly fired me up a few times lately. I've also noticed the extra sit times on a lot of Backhauls. Hasn't been that bad for me but I'm hearing and seeing a lot of it with other drivers. Drivers need to start turning in more Layover request for pay. They do have that here if BackHaul doesn't keep you moving. Especially if it's a sit over the weekend deal. Most drivers just don't know about it or how to request it. A lot of the loads are still pretty much the same and I do believe a lot of drivers don't learn enough about what loads fits their needs the best. Timing is much more important on many of the loads than just where they're going and so on. I still firmly believe that drivers can make very well over here. Anyone making less than 70k has to have multiple issues going on or just don't want to run enough. I'm of the belief you are a smart and experienced driver. You shouldn't have any trouble turning things around. I deal with a lot of the same things and have had to dig deeper to make things happen for me. I know some things can be more difficult for one driver than another but you should be doing much better. Your hands aren't tied behind your back. Suck it up and attack it another way maybe. I have faith in you with all the things I've read in the last few years. Good luck with whatever you do and just don't give up brother. I feel a lot of your pain and hope it turns around for you. Take care out there. :)
    Dinomite Thanks this.
  11. ArmyGuy

    ArmyGuy Heavy Load Member

    Jun 21, 2011
    Hudson, Florida
    I doubt there's more than 10% of our drivers making 70k. I mean I see that it's possible but me personally, I enjoy more hometime and 55-60k a year.
    maninthemoon1 Thanks this.
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