In-cab urination

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Ken Worth, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. slodsm

    slodsm Light Load Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Tyler TX
    As have I, it's a #### shame but it makes you tough.

    Or at least that's what they told me every time it happened lol.
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  3. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    #### Mule, I just read your post about your doctor with the uh less than shining bedside manner. Laughed so hard I thought I was gonna wet my pants.

    Too bad you didn't cut a big one when you had his face where it obviously belonged!:biggrin_2559:
    Muleskinner Thanks this.
  4. Muleskinner

    Muleskinner <strong>"Shining Beacon of Chickenlights"</strong>

    LMAO...All BSing aside,that old man was rough as a cob....When I was a kid,I'd cry all the way to his office and I think he must have been paying off the health inspector to keep his doors open.Me and Mom was talking about him yesterday because of this thread and she got tickled remembering how crude he was too.She called him a "horse doctor".He cussed like a sailor,always had a cigarette burning in every ash tray in the room and talked to you like you were stupid....I asked her,why in the world did you take us kids to him and she said "He was cheap,and you knew your Dad" and then she added " He really wasn't a bad doctor,remember when you had strep throat and he gave you that shot and you were better by that afternoon?"
  5. GuysLady

    GuysLady Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jun 20, 2007
    The eye of the storm....
    We had a doctor like that around here.. and he was the OB I got stuck with when my daughter was born!!! He was the only one on duty.. he stuck a needle in somewhere that needles DO NOT belong:biggrin_25516:... and sang soprano for months! The nurse had to catch Jolie!
    Muleskinner and Lurchgs Thank this.
  6. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006

    Here is a story begging to be told. If you don't want to tell it PM Mule the details.... he'll make it sound good for us.

    :biggrin_25523: :biggrin_25523: :biggrin_25514:
    Muleskinner Thanks this.
  7. Muleskinner

    Muleskinner <strong>"Shining Beacon of Chickenlights"</strong>

    It's a shame I only got one skill ain't it.LOL...Course,I guess the world needs us BS'ers too to keep spinning:biggrin_25525::biggrin_25523:.
    Brickman Thanks this.
  8. GuysLady

    GuysLady Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jun 20, 2007
    The eye of the storm....
    The doctor was a JERK! I didn't like him the first time I met him, and passed him over for consideration the moment I met him... I am a firm believer that childbirth is a NATURAL process, NOT a disease! And this doctor is an interventionist. He used c-sections and forceps when easier, more effective, less invasive procedures could be used. (He had a 53% c-section rate!

    Well, everything was just fine with Jolie. I was dialated to 9 when I found out he was the ONLY doctor on call, or I would have just gone home and had ANYONE else catch her!!

    When he came in the room, I was already ready to push, had my feet up stirrups, and she was already crowning! (After only 2 pushes I might add!) And this jerk says.. "here, lets help things along a little.." and sticks this #### needle into THAT area, right next to where her head is, and then CUTS! I SCREAMED! I felt every bit of it when he did that!

    Then you know what that jerk says??? "Ah, that wasn't that bad."

    That's when my foot "slipped" out of that #### stirrup! Caught him right in the b****! When he howled, you can IMAGINE what my reply was! "That wasn't that bad!":biggrin_2559:

    The nurse had to catch Jolie as Dr. Jerk was still on the floor. He was recovered enough to do the stitches.. all 14 of them. And about 6 weeks later, when I was having issues with one stitch, in a very bad place, that would not dissolve, he told me it was "normal" and to either "use it or lose it". (I really think he had issues with women.)

    I had the last stitch removed by a midwife in Oregon, and when William came along 2 years later, I had the best doctor that money could buy, and the most difficult delivery imaginable! But the doctor made it so much easier!

    Dr Jerk died in a plane wreck about 10 years ago. His c-section rate was an all time high.. 61%.
    Brickman and Lurchgs Thank this.
  9. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    I hope it was a very painful, prolonged death, and St. Peter was telling him "it wasn't that bad. . ."

    (You notice there are no "smilies" posted here. I mean it. Sadistic doctors don't deserve to live!)
  10. Muleskinner

    Muleskinner <strong>"Shining Beacon of Chickenlights"</strong>

    I'm not much of an expert on doctors because I still almost start crying on the way to one's office.They are one of the few things moving around on this earth that I AM afraid of.....I mean BAD afraid of......The only bad discission I ever had with one was out in the hall when my dad was starting into renal (sp) failure....I'd asked around and checked it out and had heard dialysis might stop it...The doctor was a smartazz and had us in the waiting room and told us that he wouldn't make it through the next day...I mentioned dialysis and he paused for a second and by the way he looked at me I knew he thought it may help,but he said no...Something told me to press him about it and we stepped out in the hall away from my family and I asked him again and he kind of smarted me(very,very bad move if I'm under pressure and being nice to someone at the same time) and said it "probably" would do no good anyway.......I eased up real close and kept smiling and said real quietly..."Either you try it OR I'm going to stomp you into the floor and when I get out of jail,I'll do it again and that cycle will continue forever if you let that old man lay in there and die without trying to save him"....I didn't even let him respond,walked back into the waiting room and told Mom it was gonna be ok...30 minutes or so later, a nurse came in and said they were prepping him for surgery to install a port(?) for him to be able to have dialysis .....My dad lived another 3 years after that and I saw his doctor again a few times after that and he wouldn't even look at me.Something told me to buck up and do it and I did...Glad I got those extra three years with him, but to this day I'm not sure I did the right thing because he didn't have a very good quality of life those last 3 years.....I think about that sometimes still.
  11. lilillill

    lilillill Sarcasm... it's not just for breakfast

    Nov 7, 2007
    Possum Booger, Alabama
    LMAO... I was just thinking about this very thing the other day! You know how it is when you're rolling down the road and wacky things run through your head. Well, I was designing an air-ride toilet in my head the other day while rolling along in northern Florida... where truckstops are next to non-existant.

    I even thought of the consequences of my design...

    (Wife to husband in Buick behind my truck) "Harold, what's that brown stuff all over the windshield?"
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