Good Night From II

Discussion in 'Swift' started by scottied67, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. MsJamie

    MsJamie Road Train Member

    Of course they have to park it on the grass... it won't fit in the parking lot! :p
    Moosetek13 Thanks this.
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  3. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    No, Jamie... the video is not mine.

    It isn't parked in the grass here, but not in a spot either. It is on the side.

    It is such an impressive rig. I asked the driver/owner how often he gets pulled in for an inspection, and he said 'about every time'.
    And it isn't what I thought, that they just wanted to see it. They pull him in because they want to find something wrong. He even showed me his last inspection.
    It is just as clean and shiny here as it is in the video. It looks newer than new.

    He doesn't haul freight, but uses it as an RV of sorts.
  4. blsqueak

    blsqueak Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2009
    buckeye lake, oh
    Yes, I am back/ Got home and 2 days later it with the flu. Sudden weather change with being up almost 35 hours for the flight home. Good chance back out tomorrow. Have to get a DOT done so think that I will take to the terminal in Cols so can get off hold right away instead of the TA here at home and wait for rapid, then back out on Friday. Now on Bush's dedicated
    inkeper and jenziedk Thank this.
  5. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    I'm someplace Peculiar at a J.

    My PTA was set to tomorrow at 1400 because I have to take the LCQ class and I was sent a pplan that picks up 4 days ago.
    It delivers on 6/30.
    Walmart, apparently to do surge on the refer side.
    No thanks in SO many ways, and I have a home time scheduled for Monday in Denver.

    A bit later I get 2 pplans, one picking up where I just delivered and t-calling at Edwardsville and the other picking up 180 miles away in KS and t-calling in Denver on Saturday.
    That works for me - IF I can do the LCQ tomorrow. I still have not heard back from the instructor to see if I can take it tomorrow.
    I accepted both plans and am hoping for the best. If I don't get the LCQ done by tomorrow I'll be on hold.
  6. dodgeram440rt

    dodgeram440rt Heavy Load Member

    May 19, 2009
    Piqua, Ohio
    I've been there a couple times. Most places around the country have banned smoking in restaurants. In Missouri, they've left it up to the city or county to decide that ordinance. In Peculiar, MO they allow smoking. The first time I was there, the smoke was so bad in the non smoking section I literally could not breathe. Between the time the waitress brought my drink and when she came back for my order, I had to leave it was so bad. And I told her exactly why.

    The second time I was there wasn't quite so bad. They must have opened a window or something.
  7. dodgeram440rt

    dodgeram440rt Heavy Load Member

    May 19, 2009
    Piqua, Ohio
    Sitting at the J in South Beloit, IL. My day was cut short when I blew out a brand new tire on the trailer just as I passed the exit to Love's. When I picked up the trailer at the Costco in Morris, it had 4 brand new tires (ok, so maybe they are retreads. Still New with the stickers.) now it's got one less New tire. Had hoped to make the Petro in Portage, WI. After the tire repair, I had an hour and 15 minutes on my 14 with 85 miles to go. Not gonna make that in a Swift truck.
  8. MsJamie

    MsJamie Road Train Member

    Denver terminal. It feels like I was just here. Oh wait, I was, over the three day weekend...

    Tuesday, I ran from Denver to SLC. On the way there, I called the Salt Lake, er, the West Valley City terminal to see if they happened to have a student available. Nope. Then, I got a run to Lovell, WY.

    Some would say that Lovell is in the middle of nowhere. Not true; when coming from SLC, you go through The Middle Of Nowhere, then as you are coming out the other side, you'll find Lovell. You can, however, see it from there.

    Anyway, just as I was approaching TMON, I get a message from Driver Development in SLC, er, WVC, saying they have a student for me. Five hours after I rolled past the terminal.

    Delivered at Cetco, while trying not to breathe to much Bentonite dust. Had a nice chat with the planners in Troutdale. Nothing heading to/through SLC; it was all heading up to I-90. They found a load heading to aT-call in Denver. Someone SAT on it for a few hours without confirming, so I got it. :)

    Back to the Denver terminal. What's with all these crap trailers choking up the terminals? No place to drop this trailer, so I get to sit on the paperwork until morning. Hopefully, a space will open up. I had hoped to drop the trailer and goo over to Walmart. Nope.

    Now, tomorrow i get to go inside, and sweet talk the planners into taking pity on my poor student, stuck in a hotel room, waiting for me. :)
    Moosetek13 Thanks this.
  9. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    At first the instructor said sorry, all booked up until next week. But I could come in and see if anyone doesn't show up.
    I got there at 1045 this morning and there were no slots open. Last night the instructor told me if that happened he would make sure I would not be put on hold until I got to Denver, and I could do the LCQ there.

    Very nice guy, Rocky.
    His class started at 1300. He told me to come back at 1130 and he would do a special class for me. So I was in a class all by myself before the scheduled class.
    We had a pretty good time, and he liked my backing skills.

    Now that that's out of the way I'm headed to Denver with a very heavy 9k load of insulation.
    I thought when I delivered tomorrow on the 4th that I would be starting my home time.
    Swift had other ideas.
    They sent a pplan for Monday morning on the 6th, which is my requested date.
    Local, a live unload at 0700.
    That is the one with the home time notice.

    That's not too bad, though. I'll have Sunday with the girls and cook them some curry chicken for dinner. Then I'll deliver the load and head to the terminal to send the ride along papers to my DM. I needed to get Lorelei's ID anyway.
    And I'll make just a little more money this week.
  10. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    MsJamie, I get there around 1500 tomorrow. Maybe I'll see you there.
  11. jenziedk

    jenziedk Medium Load Member

    Dec 12, 2013
    Houston, Texas
    Albuquerque tonight, somewhere in Arizona tomorrow, Cali Sunday night.
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