Flats to Glass

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by plentygood, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. plentygood

    plentygood Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    I've been pulling flatbed with Maverick for 5 years now and I think I might try my hand at Glass.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2016
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  3. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    I've been considering switching to since I live so close to Corsicana.
  4. Puppage

    Puppage Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    Best of luck to,ya. I hope it works well for you.
  5. w.h.o

    w.h.o Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Chicago, il
    If I lived close to a plant I would love to get a dedicated route. These tarps suck sometimes.
    TexasMike Thanks this.
  6. w.h.o

    w.h.o Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Chicago, il
    Who am I kidding, sucks all the time
    TexasMike Thanks this.
  7. DeadArmadillo

    DeadArmadillo Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Republic of Texas
    I reeeeeally want to start and hopefully end my career with Maverick, specifically dedicated glass out of Corsicanna,TX.. Their web site asks for "...within 50 miles of..." and I fit that bill. If anyone is in that position, I would love to hear some of your experience. I suspect that the loads are from Guardian, the worlds largest producer of specialty glass, but I don't know that for a fact.
  8. DeadArmadillo

    DeadArmadillo Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Republic of Texas
    Update: On my way from my "...within 50 miles of...", I went slightly out-of-route to drive by Guardian in the hopes of seeing and maybe talking with a Maverick driver. In driving by Guardian I saw 5-6 trucks in line at the guard shack of which 2 were Maverick trucks......huge place. Went down the road a little to get some lunch and ponder the possibilities....grabbed some Schlotzsky's....ate in car and here comes a Maverick truck bob tailing to, I can only imagine, get lunch. I finished mine, in record time, and went down the road a couple hundred yards and somewhat timidly knocked his door......he rolled down his window and here's what I learned. He has been with Maverick for 5 years, glass, dedicated, Corsicanna. Never been further west than Colorado...further north than Oklahoma...further east than Mississippi....basically a super regional. Home usually around 2-3 on Friday afternoons and back out on Monday morning. There was more, but those things may be to much for a public forum.....decision made.
    jeff18, DRAGON64, w.h.o and 1 other person Thank this.
  9. w.h.o

    w.h.o Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Chicago, il
    Also pull those roll tarps so rarely have to fold tarps. Once in awhile I pick those up and it make work extremely easy. Usually after folding tarps and straps, they receiver would be done but with roll tarps...i just sit in the truck and wait like a door slammer
    DeadArmadillo Thanks this.
  10. DeadArmadillo

    DeadArmadillo Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Republic of Texas

    Are you seeing a movement towards an all roll tarp fleet in the future? I would think time = money....not to mention the safety aspect of climbing up there on snowy, windy day....or any other day, for that matter.
  11. w.h.o

    w.h.o Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Chicago, il
    Nope, not all Customer want a roll tarp. It could bottoms out going into the customer building, some have an indoor dock that ONLY has a hole for the trailer and the roll tarp wouldn't open because the walls on the side. Some customer use forklift instead of a crane so they could damage the rail.

    Plus it's expensive compare to a regular flat or stepdeck
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