Anderson Trucking Service. My true experince.

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by redeye7174, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Yea I've had the monster lds. But as a contractor I got way more than 50 to tarp them. The smart company person will tell the office more money or it's not happening on those lds. They will cough it up...
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  3. brsims

    brsims Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Meadville, PA
    Tarping "regular" loads doesn't take me enough time generally to complain about more money (I'm on the company driver side). After three years of steel haul regional where I was tarping and untarping every day, this stuff is bone easy for me. Especially since I generally only run two to three loads per week.

    Mileage paid (plus accessory), and I voluntarily stay out a month or more at a time. Really like the extended hometime to decompress, and since I burn my clocks out every week, I'm still getting one day per week for laundry and truck cleaning.
  4. Slim one

    Slim one Light Load Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    Well.. here's how it works in ATS.
    You know all that blablabla when they hire you: "best training program, we will help you, don't worry, we are family " and so on.
    Recently I received a fine for overweight in CA. Shipper loaded me wrong way. Before I went to scale I call fleet managers and told them that load was illegal for CA. Guess what? They said I can try to adjust axles and go through the scale couse I gotta go for delivery.
    It ended up with fine of 1014$. Who are supposed to pay that fine now? Me, company driver, more then a week to work for free.
    Welcome to ATS folks.
  5. Bo Hunt

    Bo Hunt Light Load Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    You chose to drive overweight. If sliding axle doesn't fix it, return to shipper. If you see it is wrong while at shipper, make them fix it. As a flatbed driver you are responsible for how the trailer is loaded and secured.

    For the guy saying the pay was low, when I started with zero flatbed experience, I averaged .44 per mile, plus accessorials. Even in winter I rarely tarped more than once a week.
    JonDC70 and redeye18 Thank this.

    TEX TRUCKER Q Bobtail Member

    Nov 4, 2015
    I am leaning at submitting my app to ATS as a 1 year Lease O/O Flatbed. Can anyone give me some feedback on ATS Good or Bad. I know everything is slow right now, but are you making money? I am currently a Company Driver with Lone Star and they are ok, but I would really like calling my own shots. The 1 year Lease program sounds pretty good. I am not interested in buying a truck right now, I would like to save up and buy an older truck with cash later and get more experience in flatbed/specialized or heavy haul.
  7. 1951 ford

    1951 ford Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2016
    Goddard, KS
    @Rooster1291979 would be a good source. Last I knew, he was doing what you're wanting to do.
  8. DarkhorseEnterprises

    DarkhorseEnterprises Light Load Member

    Jan 5, 2017
  9. DarkhorseEnterprises

    DarkhorseEnterprises Light Load Member

    Jan 5, 2017
    Sorry. I must say the fine sucks, yeah, but it's hard to have sympathy for on the other hand because, unless you're not telling the whole story...I mean...was there an actual REASON for not finding a CAT SCALES (or other) and scaling it out before hitting a DOT scale?? I mean, I don't care if ya gotta go outta route to DO that little bit of time you might've saved really worth $1,014 in your mind? I mean...there are MULTIPLE apps to help you find places to scale it...start with Trucker Path and if not that, CAT SCALES has 2 apps of their own - 1 to find scales and one to actually weigh your truck when you do find one. We are more technologically advanced as an industry today than my grandad or even my dad could've ever imagined we'd be (both drivers of one variety or another at different points in their respective careers)
    Secondly, and here's where the rubber kinda really meets the road in my mind...
    As a flatbed you not have a spread axle trailer? I mean unless you're talking over gross...which is another thing you'd find out if you weighed it...
    At any rate, I know it CAN be done, but it's hard...pretty HARD to over axle a spread...start at the middle of the trailer with the most weight...if ya HAVE to put more weight on one end vs the other, let it be the back get 40k there vs 34k on the drives...Christ almighty I'm a reefer driver and i know this is it you DON'T?? Sorry I don't mean to take ya to task...I was tempted to just hit with a smart remark like, "Bet you'll never do THAT again!"
    But then I realized that if you didn't know this crap before, maybe you just never were taught? I dunno.
    unholy7 Thanks this.
  10. Slim one

    Slim one Light Load Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    Dude, I DID HAVE Cat scale ticket right after I got loaded. I just didn't know I was not legal for CA. I did not have any experience with flats and I expected company would help me as they promised.
  11. Bo Hunt

    Bo Hunt Light Load Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    That's funny because in your other post you stated that YOU told THEM you weren't legal for CA and they told you to run with it (which they wouldn't do).
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