The skinny on FedEx Ground DriveCams

Discussion in 'FedEx' started by X-Country, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. X-Country

    X-Country Medium Load Member

    Mar 27, 2014
    FedEx Ground is requiring ALL contractors to install Lytx DriveCam's in every truck no later than 08/01/2017.

    Any contractor failing to install a Lytx DriveCam in their truck will be refused dispatch until such camera is installed, operational and tested.

    The Lytx DriveCam faces both the driver and the road.

    Despite assurances from Lytx's website that the monitoring service can't randomly check in on the driver unless an event is triggered. Let me tell you first hand...this is 100% FALSE!

    I've already found out first hand when my contractor conducted a "Live Audit" and notified me my camera wasn't working.

    They can pull up any truck and look in on the driver at any time on their phone or laptop.

    The Lytx DriveCam also records audio inside the truck in conjunction with the video of the driver and the road.

    The contractors dont want these in their trucks, but FedEx Ground is pushing them. Shame the contractors dont all get together and refuse. FXG bullies these guys around like crazy.

    I'm looking for a new job come end of June. I've had enough. Used to be a good place to work. Nobody looking over your shoulder, great schedule, 5 days on, weekends (Sun/Mon) off, home every night, set schedule, dedicated solo run. No nagging about fuel mileage, no nagging about fuel mileage, idle percentage, no one watching me or listening to me.

    Now it's just another stinkhole of being micromanaged and babysat. I feel like I'm back at Werner which I left for these very specific reasons.
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  3. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Does all there company drivers have a camera?Judging. by their ads they really need the help.
  4. Gunner75

    Gunner75 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Jackson Center Ohio
    With as many times we see FedEx mixed in with the bad accidents, I can understand why FedEx lawyers/insurance vultures would want the cameras installed. I mean let's be honest here, they don't get the moniker Fed wrecks for nothing
    skibum_63, BigTennOTR and noluck Thank this.
  5. nasriza

    nasriza Road Train Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Chicago, IL
    This could go both ways yes they could be looking at you at all times but nothing will get recorded until there is an event trigered, what i don't understand is that you as a driver this is to cover your ### as much as fed ex what will you do if someone cuts you off and you hit the brakes and try to blame you because you rear ended them. looking at it from position of the driver and that you are being watched all the time. when you go and get a job anywhere and work a 9-5 they are looking at you at all times any way 75% of the jobs out there you can't be on your phone or anything y should this be any different, and if you are doing what you shouldnt be doing I definately would not want you driving for me why just another chance for an insurance claim.
    Snailexpress Thanks this.
  6. X-Country

    X-Country Medium Load Member

    Mar 27, 2014
    FXG drivers are contracted.

    FedEx Freight drivers are company drivers.

    Two separate companies. But all the contractors have to have cameras in their trucks by August 1st or they will not be dispatched.

    FedEx Freight is slowly indoctrinating them in as well. Friend of mine there said his drriver cam is on the qualcomm. Has a camera watching the road too.

    That's complete garbage. Every company has good and bad drivers. Punishing everyone for the actions of a small minority of drivers is ridiculous.

    I have no accidents, tickets, safety violations or failed inspections in my 2 years there. No one that works for my contractor has ever had an at fault accident.

    There's absolutely NO reason to watch the driver. EVER. it is an invasion of privacy. It's an insult to me as a driver. Law Enforcement pulls cell phone records and data/text usage if you're in an accident so they can tell if you're texting or using the internet on your phone and doing somethhing you shouldn't.

    I have no problem if they want a camera to watch the road. I'm fine with that and I run my own dashcam that watches the road to cover my ###. I got a driver issued a reckless driving ticket back in August with it.

    I drive a truck so I dont have someone watching over my shoulder. I'm on the road because I dont like a nagging boss. I don't like having someone breathing down my neck. I like the freedom of the road. I like being trusted, to be given a task, and allowed to do it without a bunch of babysitting.

    For the nearly 2 years I have been here, I've done my job safely, efficiently and responsibly with no one watching over my shoulder, no accidents, no tickets, no negative law enforcement interaction, no failed inspections, never even had anyone call me in, no preventables and I've never had a safety incident with my doubles assembly and now they stick a god #### camera in my truck to watch me AND to listen to me.

    My personal phone calls while in the truck are no longer private, everything I do or dont do is now critiqued, criticized and harped on. I cant and wont drive like this. I'm done in June. Waiting till I have my full two years in and going elsewhere that doesnt have a camera.

    I can understand doing this for new drivers for training purposes and those with tickets, accidents and failed inspections but my track record should speak for itself and that I'm a safe driver.

    I dont need a #### babysitter in my truck.
    shogun, Mudguppy, longbedGTs and 4 others Thank this.
  7. EatYourVeggies

    EatYourVeggies Light Load Member

    Nov 10, 2016
    I've been saying the same thing...

    The driver-facing cameras makes sense for new drivers or those who recently got a moving violation/incident. In both cases, they should used for a probationary time frame.

    Experienced drivers who get it done without drama should NEVER be subjected to this type of indignity.

    And the microphones???

    Where are the people with the 'people-in-every-workplace-have-cameras-pointed-at-them' argument? Unless someone works in customer service (and a few other jobs), they do NOT have their conversations recorded! And even for these people, when they are done talking to the customer, any conversation they have with a co-worker in the next cubicle is NOT subject to recording!

    I had yet another offer from a Fed Ex contractor. The guy was practically begging me to come on board. When I brought up the mandatory cameras beginning in August, he said they only go on at critical events. He's either lying or misinformed.

    Needless to say, I turned him down.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
    X-Country Thanks this.
  8. X-Country

    X-Country Medium Load Member

    Mar 27, 2014
    he's right, they only do come on at critical events, BUT what he didn't bother to tell you is he can do a "live audit" under the premise of "testing the equipment" and he can hear everything you say, he can see what YOU are doing and he can see what's going on in front of you on the road. It won't record it, but I have no doubt he has an option to capture something if needs be. Lytx claims the monitors can't do this but I know they're full of it because my contractor has already done it and told me so.

    Good for you for turning it down. I'm outta here in June or July as soon as I can find another job. Already doing my research and getting ready to start submitting apps and get the ball rolling. I refuse to drive like this any longer than I have to. It's George Orwellian/1984esque nonsense that I don't need. It's stress that I don't need.

    Truck drivers have enough stress without worrying about dealing with the nonsense from a driver camera and being monitored at will behind the wheel and with what we might be saying in a phone conversation.
    ghostcookie and EatYourVeggies Thank this.
  9. nasriza

    nasriza Road Train Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Chicago, IL
    X-country I understand what you're saying and it really sound like obviosly its a place that you can't work anymore. obviosly its time to move on.
    X-Country Thanks this.
  10. X-Country

    X-Country Medium Load Member

    Mar 27, 2014
    Yep. I'm in that process, but waiting till June 15th so I have my full 2 years in first. I can deal with it for another few months till I find something else.
  11. jtaran06

    jtaran06 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    western ky
    I say it's per contractor basis on watching you. My guy don't bother me. I have even set it off before and still never heard a word. Find a different contractor
    X-Country Thanks this.
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