Lot Lizards and Other Riff-Raff

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by jedi_tev, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. jedi_tev

    jedi_tev Light Load Member

    Oct 11, 2008
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Mos Eisly, you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villiany"-Obi-Wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker

    Ok I have a few questions on how to handle Lot Lizards and other "scum and villiany" at truck stops. I have heard stay out of the back row (party row) and to hang a bra in the window and it'll keep the lot lizards from knocking. Is this true? I've also heard some will knock anyway, ignoring all signs to tell them to go away. I'm just curious because I'm not going out there for that. I'm going out there to make money. I don't want any critters on me or in my bunk on my truck. :biggrin_2552: Is it legal to keep the tire thumper in the rig when you sleep? Also, from the female truckers how to keep them off your truck at truck stops? Thanks in advance
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  3. honor roll

    honor roll Road Train Member

    Mar 7, 2008
    They are going to knock no matter what I am a female and I have had Lot Lizards ask me if I wanted some. Just say no thanks be nice about it. I have had to get my meg lite out and no really use it on the but just show them I am not afraid to use it
  4. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California

    YeS, that is true.
    However, if you hang a bra in the window, and you're a guy,
    it might attract good buddies.
    I suggest that you hang a sign in the window instead --- reading,
    Herpes Quarantine, and/or hang a pair of skivies with skid marks in the window. :biggrin_2551:
  5. Lurchgs

    Lurchgs Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Denver, CO
    1) when driving a running reefer, I always park in the back row. Usually nose-in, unless there are other running reefers there already - then I park in the same orientation.

    2) I'm careful in the truck stops I select. You can't keep ALL the critters away, but places that are well lit and well traveled tend to discourage ####roaches and lot-lizards alike. Generally speaking, the big name truck stop franchises are less likely to present problems.

    3) Use rest areas only if you have no choice - particularly east of the Mississippi

    4) it's perfectly legal to keep your tire thumper anywhere you want it. Heck, it's perfectly legal (with some caveats) to keep a gun in the truck. Company policy may prohibit, though.

    5) I've heard all kinds of "signs" to keep lot lizards away, and personally doubt any of them work. These people do not make money by being shy.
  6. Lurchgs

    Lurchgs Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Denver, CO
    Nah - half them ladies probably have Herpes already anyway. MY thought, if you are going to go in that direction - use

    "Warning: Leper on board."
  7. cluck-cluck

    cluck-cluck Light Load Member

    Apr 8, 2008
    walnut ridge, ar.
    In the last 5 years I have had a lizard knock on my door while curtains up maybe twice. It is not near as it used to be.
  8. brinkj23

    brinkj23 "Asphalt Cowboy"

    Dec 26, 2005
    Been out for two years never had one knock on my doors. Now most of the times I stay in truck stops that are in small towns and the big name ones like TA, Petro, Loves, or Road Ranger, I hate pilots so never stay there. Id stay in a rest area or on ramp before I stayed at a Pilot. Never had any problems always plan my trips so I can sleep in a small town and not in any major metropolis. Oh and of course you can keep the tire thumper in the truck why would that be illegal, hell I got three knives, my tire thumper and my five friends on my right hand.
  9. Dr. Venture

    Dr. Venture Medium Load Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Ithaca, NY
    I have the signs, they knock anyway. Just politely say "No, thanks." Also, the nights I leave my marker lights on they seem to knock more; anybody seem to have that issue?
  10. Dr. Venture

    Dr. Venture Medium Load Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Ithaca, NY
    Oh! Never roll your window down!
  11. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006
    Tell the lizards you are married. That has always worked for me.

    I wear a ring so all I gotta do is hold it up and they move right along.
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