
Discussion in 'May Trucking' started by Drpparker95, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. Drpparker95

    Drpparker95 Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2017
    Meridian mississippi
    Im in meridian Mississippi, closest terminal to me would be Pensacola florida. Do you know if they will let me bring truck home and park at a truckstop or similar when on hometime
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  3. Sharky88

    Sharky88 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    they should if not find another company.
    rabbiporkchop Thanks this.
  4. Razorwyr

    Razorwyr Road Train Member

    Jul 27, 2010
    Meridian, Mississippi
    If they don't let you park it at a truck stop (I wouldn't recommend this option anyway), there is a place I used to store my truck/trailer when my previous company wouldn't allow me to park at my house. I don't know if he still does it or not, but it's a shop on the exit Spaceway is on. Coming from town, take the first exit on I-20 after the split. At the stop sign, there is a driveway virtually straight across. You might be able to keep it there.
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