O.O companies with no company drivers & load board access?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by crocky, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. Doing_flatbed_nc

    Doing_flatbed_nc Medium Load Member

    Mar 3, 2016

    I've found LS loads pay better and are generally lighter than Mercer loads. That's east coast- south east. That's just one guy's experience though...
    crocky Thanks this.
  2. Shotgun94

    Shotgun94 Medium Load Member

    Sep 24, 2017
    Well you can view your own dac report or call them up and ask them. They are through hireright.com or something like that which many companies use to do backgrounds on drivers. Probably wouldn't hurt to check yours out. But if it isn't there, just don't mention that to them. Yea, they do that caller id stuff.
    crocky Thanks this.
  3. crocky

    crocky Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    Ok just requested it, you can do it all online btw and get sent to your email. Says it will take up to 15 days.
    Shotgun94 Thanks this.
  4. back street slider

    back street slider Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2015
    I've been here at mercer for 3yrs now and i have never heard of anybody being left stranded. Like all companies, mercer isn't for everybody but it's one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. U may be confusing a driver running to a dead area and not having a load out so they choose to sit instead of deadheading out with being abandoned. YOU are the captian of YOUR ship over here, YOUR success or failure is on YOUR shoulders (thats what i love about mercer). We have coordinators (dispatchers) but they are just a tool to HELP YOU run a successful business, they don't run it for u.
    JonJon78 Thanks this.
  5. crocky

    crocky Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    This is the topic on it.. they terminated the lease on lots of drivers leaving them stranded.

    Mercer Transportation left hundreds of us drivers stranded.
    back street slider Thanks this.
  6. back street slider

    back street slider Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2015
    I stand corrected..never heard of these driver's contracts being cancelled in this way. I believe the date was around 2007 when this happened? Since I've been here i haven't heard of this being an ongoing problem. With all companies, you'll find ppl that are happy and ppl that hate it but i run into more ppl at mercer that enjoy being here than ppl who dont.
    roshea Thanks this.
  7. JonJon78

    JonJon78 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2018
    How do Owner Operators get left stranded? Pretty comical.

    I believe you said that you have a year and half or so of experience, I'd be shocked if Mercer took you on. While the minimum for them is 1 year, your 2 incidents are more than likely gonna hurt you. Paint them as minor as you want but lots of drivers have been out here several years with 0 incidents.
  8. crocky

    crocky Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    Perhaps read the link I posted with the topic from here... Its pretty obvious what happened just by reading posts from the 1st page of that topic..

    If Mercer terminated their lease, its stands a very good chance that they took the truck plates and insurance away as well if they were running insurance/plates from Mercer...

    Considering Mercer wanted them to bring the trailers back, its probably a given they pulled the plates/insurance aswell...

    The 2 incidents were over a year ago by the time I'd be applying anywhere. Neither were on road/traffic so they may not be on my dac, I'll have to wait and see.

    As far as lots of drivers being out there for years with no incidents I'm sure there are and I just got hit by one of them a week ago while sitting parked in my truck.. A guy been driving 17 years turned wrong into a tight pull through and smacked the front of his trailer into the back of mine...

    Anyone can make a simple mistake even someone driving 17 years...

    Not to mention how many of these guys didn't report #### they did.. In both of my incidents I probably could have gone unreported.. but I'm honest so I did what I was supposed to do.. I'm sure many drivers would have ran like hell at 4am after tapping a truck side skirt so lightly that the other driver didnt wake up until I knocked on his door..

    Edit.. for the record, got my dac report today and only have the one backing incident reported which was not DOT reportable and in Jan it will be 1 year, so I would assume I'm good to go considering it was less than $500 damage as well.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2018
  9. JonJon78

    JonJon78 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2018
    I did read the link, and like I said how can an Owner Operator be stranded?

    If Mercer wanted its trailer back in Louisville in 5 days you think they are cutting insurance, plates, and fuel card off so you cant even get back? Sounds as stupid as it is.

    Just like the guy claiming he sat in California 14 days waiting on a load... Absolutely stupid...

    Just because something isnt on your DAC doesn't mean it cant turn up when applying for a driving position. Your an honest man though I'm sure you planned on listing any mishaps on your applications.

    Best of luck to you.
    roshea and back street slider Thank this.
  10. 2 CHAINS

    2 CHAINS Light Load Member

    Sep 8, 2018
    I dont get it if you have access to loadboards who cares if they have company drivers
    roshea Thanks this.
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