Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Gazoo, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. MagnumaMoose

    MagnumaMoose Lost or Missing

    Jan 18, 2018
    Why don't YOU "reveal" yourself first ?
    EPES has a wide spread long standing reputation for being a not so good place to work at. It's not just what one person has said about the company. So basically quit singling yankatank out for expressing their opinion about EPES. That was what this site was started for in the first place. Not as just another place for office people and recruiters to paint another false picture of what it's like working there.
    yankatank Thanks this.
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  3. rollinthruwoods

    rollinthruwoods Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    I’ve already revealed myself. Tina knows who I am. So I asked him first. I didn’t ask YOU. He’s not giving opinions. Epes is a #### good place to work at. I’m almost at 7 years. Look at their tenure board with drivers having 15, 20, 30 years etc with the company. I’ve personally got one of the best jobs in trucking. And it’s with Epes. So.......who do you want me to reveal myself to??????????????
  4. rollinthruwoods

    rollinthruwoods Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Are you another former disgruntled employee? Or are you a moderator coming to defend someone who might finally realize he’s being called out on the carpet and got scared and ran to you. Fess up!!
  5. MagnumaMoose

    MagnumaMoose Lost or Missing

    Jan 18, 2018
    He is giving opinions.
  6. MagnumaMoose

    MagnumaMoose Lost or Missing

    Jan 18, 2018
    So you are lucky and have a gravy train position. Good for you. However, not everyone who works there has it that easy. They have the right to be heard, same as you and anyone else who cares to comment.
  7. rollinthruwoods

    rollinthruwoods Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Ok, that’s your take and that’s cool. Doesn’t take away from the fact Tina wants to know who he is. Maybe he exaggerated their “friendship”. Either way, like I stated, I’ve got a better job than 99.5% of the people on all of these forums and I couldn’t be more grateful. And almost 7 years gives me a little credibility to say that Epes is a very good place to work. One could certainly do a lot worse.
    MagnumaMoose Thanks this.
  8. rollinthruwoods

    rollinthruwoods Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    While my position has gotten even more gravy than this one, please look at what you wrote. Let me quote...”not everyone who works there has it that easy. They have the right to be heard”. I totally agree with that. 100%. BUT HE DOESN’T WORK FOR EPES AND HASN’T FOR SEVERAL YEARS. That’s why I take exception.
  9. yankatank

    yankatank Medium Load Member

    Feb 14, 2018
    funny how the only 'butthurt' individual is still there, yet everyone else has acknowledged that what I'm saying is true about EPES. Nothing there has really changed....sure they are 'owned' by Penske....they have let a few, in the office, go....but other than that....it's the same ol same ol...EPES LIES from the few I know that work there. And the reason WHY people have been there 15-20-30 years is because it USED to be a good company UNTIL they became a starter company. That is a fact in itself. PLUS, some guys just don't want to leave and start over with another company, since they are aging and not getting any younger. Like you, acting like a little 12 year old, sending ME a message in my inbox, "I posted about you" GROW UP DRIVER! Nobody seems to care about you OR Epes.
  10. RookieJ1987

    RookieJ1987 Medium Load Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Fort Worth, TX
    #### Epes!! Another POS Dry Van company!
  11. rollinthruwoods

    rollinthruwoods Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Hey Doc, this “nobody seems to care about your OR Epes” is fine. I have people in real life that does that and YOU seem to care about Epes because you keep posting in an EPES forum, long after you’ve been fired/quit/whatever. I find that strange but you seem to have issues, so maybe it’s not that strange. Oh and people are not leaving Epes because they are aging and not getting any younger, like me????? News flash Chief, that applies to everyone. Some of the stuff you put on here, I just scratch my head at. I’m not leaving because every 28 days, I work 14. I drive a nice day cab. I’m home every single night to sleep in my bed. I’m paid by the hour. And in those 28 days, my checks total $4160 before taxes. That’s for working 14 days. That’s equals $297.14 per day. And man do I have it easy at work. So please don’t be jealous.
    With all that said, and your unwillingness to reveal yourself to Tina, she along with other higher ups have asked me to chill. They are now monitoring this forum. They said they would find out who you were and would ask you to stop with the slandering of Epes. So I’m done retorting to anything you say, not others, just you. Have a nice day!
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