Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Gazoo, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. yankatank

    yankatank Medium Load Member

    Feb 14, 2018
    I don't know why you're acting like you own the company? Another reason why EPES is losing alot of drivers. $297 a day? HA I just cleared right over, not much $400 today and that was only in 10 hours! And just so you know, I quit. I did my time, got treated like garbage, especially by Susan, which ALL drivers but 5 were treated like such, before I threatened a harassment lawsuit against them! I got a new disptacher who worked out great, until he went to planning and guess what, he treated drivers like crap too, once he switched. Then the 3rd dispatcher was really good. THEN, like all brown nosers, moved over to planner, and became a real P**** to deal with! The final one, was good, younger kid....however, you could tell he was told to 'epes lie' when 'lying to the driver' had to be done. EPES is nothing more than a 'run of the mill' company. I can't tell you how many guys there will say they used to be great BEFORE they became a starter company. However, now, it's not worth living in a truck for right at $45K a year, unless you become a trainer, then you MIGHT make in the mid-high $50's. I knew a 'top trainer' that was there for years and he even said his highest yearly gross was $62K. I also know, for a fact, everyone on all the Indeed.com/Glassdoor/etc sites don't have anything nice to say about them, other than new drivers who are just getting their experience in. I was one of them. Like I have and always, and will CONTINUE to say, EPES is only good for a brand new driver...get your 1-2 years in and MOVE ON! It's also funny how I know local guys(not naming names) that drive a daycab there, but they only make hourly wage. But, let me guess, 'nobody knows about the account your on.', right? I'd heard that lie more than a million times even AFTER I left. Even had one guy tell me I'd make 3000 miles every week and wanted to switch numbers for his $1K fee he gets for a new driver. He gave me the whole story about how he was making(same as you) all this money, when I finally laughed at him and said I use to work there, and named people....yeah...he bolted QUICK when he found out I knew he was lying. So yeah, don't play the lie unless you can actually SHOW the proof! Which, this is a forum, you can't do that! lol
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  3. yankatank

    yankatank Medium Load Member

    Feb 14, 2018
    but wait...he wasn't in a daycab...and now he is....and he's making the 'big bucks'! lmao HUGE $19 an hour he's making running '484 miles a day'. Next thing you know, he'll say he's making over $70K this year when we'll be adding up his actual pay wondering where's that extra $30K he never made at? lol 'epes lies'
    Texas_hwy_287 Thanks this.
  4. wulfman75

    wulfman75 Road Train Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Athens, GA
    you still on this account? Was looking at it online today.
  5. rollinthruwoods

    rollinthruwoods Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Absolutely!! I’m not going anywhere. I hope to retire from this right here. And my job is about to get easier (I think). They are adding 4 more drivers.

    On a side note, just recently passed my 7 year anniversary with Epes.
    wulfman75 Thanks this.
  6. yankatank

    yankatank Medium Load Member

    Feb 14, 2018
    wonder if they are needing more drivers due to Celadon shutdown? Celadon stole ALOT of Epes freight, especially cigarette loads before I left. No surprise if they stole alot of the freight you are pulling now, and now it's been taken back.
  7. wulfman75

    wulfman75 Road Train Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Athens, GA
    Well maybe I'll be one of the four. My local gig company just lost the account and not too thrilled about the company taking over so I'm looking at options. Could get use to that schedule real easy though lol.
  8. rollinthruwoods

    rollinthruwoods Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    It's a night time run for the 4 new ones, at least initially and 7pm until 7am, unless you finish early, $20 an hour and work 3 days one week and 4 the next. Like I said I wanna retire from here lol. Where do you live?
  9. wulfman75

    wulfman75 Road Train Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Athens, GA
    yeah that's what they told me. I live in Athens.
  10. rollinthruwoods

    rollinthruwoods Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
  11. Skootlez

    Skootlez Light Load Member

    May 19, 2015
    Knoxville, TN
    Do they have anything decent out of East TN? Just discovered this thread lol
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