New Driver Considering Boyd

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by kphillips4590, May 28, 2018.

  1. kphillips4590

    kphillips4590 Bobtail Member

    May 20, 2018
    I am graduating from Roadmaster July 8 2018. I of course have been pushed to Werner (since they own the school) but have been seeing ads for Boyd. A plus for them is with Werner I have to wait 90 days before applying for a Flatbed position. But have some questions since the most recent post on here is 2017.

    How quickly do you get benefits?

    Does they have APUs or inverters?

    What average cpm for new flatbed otr?

    What does average home time look like for someone in NC?

    Thank you for the info.
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  3. Cavendish97

    Cavendish97 Bobtail Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    Unless you're young, single, homeless and money isn't a concern then take a job in OTR trucking just to get at least two years experience. By the way, what did your training cost? Ex-military?
  4. kphillips4590

    kphillips4590 Bobtail Member

    May 20, 2018
    Training was $7k. I am not ex military. What would you recommend for a brand new driver?
  5. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Boyd seems ok; they're owned by
    If you want west coast runs, look at Senn Freight Lines in South Carolina which hires new cdl grads.
    Melton Truck Lines has decent benefits and hires new cdl grads.
    Transport National drivers average about $1500 weekly and up. They're growing and need more drivers. Hire new cdl grads.
    All the above are flatbed!
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
    kphillips4590 Thanks this.
  6. Cavendish97

    Cavendish97 Bobtail Member

    Jan 28, 2014

    Oh, one other thing. Beware of professional shills - trucking is loaded with them. Thinking the trucking industry single handedly keeps the 'labor consultant' industry afloat. Just stay away from Carolina Cargo for sure (specialize in hiring ex offenders for dirt pay) - the rest is up to you. If a promise is made, take it with a grain of salt. Once you get a solid 2 years on your resume then you will probably qualify for something local that pays better and be home way more often. With all of the 'free training' available I have to wonder why anyone would pay a training school for an often low paying, high turnover, thankless job.
    hagarcobra and Puppage Thank this.
  7. kphillips4590

    kphillips4590 Bobtail Member

    May 20, 2018
    I mean I get the take everything with a grain of salt. I look at it as the military recruiter complex. I really want to do flatbed. I could do a reefer dedicated with Werner for 90 days then switch to flatbed so they pay for my schooling. Or I can look at going with someone else like Boyd or TMC or Melton but have to pay for my schooling. Just wanted to see about the few questions I had for Boyd. Especially the APU question as Werner doesn't have them.
  8. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Maverick used to run alot of freight to Carolinas, their trucks have the battery apu in back of cabs, don’t know how they work never had that type, know a few of their drivers they are happy there
    kphillips4590 Thanks this.
  9. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    They do a lot of flatbed training too, they make sure you know how to secure the type loads they haul
  10. Blkcowboy

    Blkcowboy Light Load Member

    Apr 11, 2018
    boyd ok really it depends on u good drivers that dont take no #### or give amy gets rewarded others gets mistreated
    hagarcobra Thanks this.
  11. Blkcowboy

    Blkcowboy Light Load Member

    Apr 11, 2018
    as a company driver rather a company has a apu or not should mean nothing to you because your not paying for the fuel or truck maintenance the ac usually works better when you idle companys that have battery pack apu's means you will only get 10hrs of use if u use it without running a tv if u do be prepared for it to cut off when the autostart kicks on which is a pain in the ### if u are using a video game console
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