Reddaway 2017

Discussion in 'Holland Reddaway New Penn' started by Lunatic Fringe, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. Lunatic Fringe

    Lunatic Fringe Medium Load Member

    Oct 1, 2016
    I have an interview scheduled with Reddaway. Unfortunately, most of the information on the forum is either out of date or there's enough difference from terminal to terminal that is didn't match up during my Q&A session with HR. I was quoted .48 cpm and $19.78/hr. for a line haul position. I asked if that would be on the extra board to start. He claimed it was 5 days a week of driving and two days off. No bid, no standby. I asked about Central States. He said they have a 401k. He claimed there was no giveback either. Can this be true, or is he a typical recruiter?
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