KW T680 Next Gen

Discussion in 'Kenworth Forum' started by Oram, Oct 4, 2021.

  1. Midwest Trucker

    Midwest Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 31, 2018
    Thanks man. 2022 T680 with mid life aero update. X15 efficiency are 450hp at 1650 torque. Endurant 12 sp auto with 2.79 gears. 232 wheel base. Standard light package. Artic fox heated fuel tanks, winter grill that allows mounting of the cover in the front. Owner op gauge package, keyless entry, heated seats, double bunk, built in inverter/plugs, fridge, bunk heater, etc. Bridgestone 284 I believe is the model tire. Whatever the latest BS tires are. Red paint, not the bright but the little bit darker color. Aero wise the full 76 inch sleeper meant for vans/reefers. Digital dash and all that new stuff. Chrome side and front mirrors. Sliding 5th wheel of course, all aluminum Alcoa wheels, disc front brakes, drum rear.

    I’ll update when I finally get them. Actually have two coming. I have nearly identical package in 2021, 2020, 2019, and similar in 2018 with manual. It’ll be interesting to see how they stack up!
    Hammer166, bzinger and Oram Thank this.
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  3. Ffx95

    Ffx95 Road Train Member

    May 18, 2017
    The few older fellers in my company with million+ safe miles got the new 680s. They were already falling apart the first week. Those trucks are rushed products and parts were scarce already with the pandemic and redesigned trucks.
    Dave_in_AZ Thanks this.
  4. Midwest Trucker

    Midwest Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 31, 2018
    Thats not promising. :|

    Anything in particular falling apart/off?
    bzinger and Magoo1968 Thank this.
  5. Oram

    Oram Medium Load Member

    Jan 28, 2012
    It sounds nice Midvest Trucker, thank you. I will wait for your report with your valuable experience.
    Magoo1968 and Midwest Trucker Thank this.
  6. Ffx95

    Ffx95 Road Train Member

    May 18, 2017
    The new aero air dam trims under the fairings and front bumper are ones coming off first. They’re placed abit lower, are stiffer and less flexible than the older style so instead of losing them 2-3 years later you’ll lose then the moment you go to a dirt lot or a dock that’s at a sharp incline. The side ones are also now a two piece. Luckily boss man didn’t opt for the longer cab fairings cause those would have definitely be crunched we get sent to really questionable mom and pop places.
    Oram and Midwest Trucker Thank this.
  7. Oram

    Oram Medium Load Member

    Jan 28, 2012
    Midwest Trucker, may I ask a few questions about your spec? Have you considered the LED headlights, disc breaks all around, smart torque for the X15? Why did you go with 232" wheelbase? It seems you went with the overdrive tranny. Is that right? What is your intended cruising speed and RPM with the 2.79 ratio? Have you considered more aggressive specs, like direct drive and tag axle?
    I would appreciate for your inputs as you are more experienced than me. I really specced only one truck. My first one was a go lucky choice as totally new was to the industry. And now I planning the third and last. Although not in hurry, but want to be prepared just in case. And definitely pull the plug if Cummins introduce the new engine with the cylinder deactivation. I can not afford to be the guinea pig.

    CORONA Bobtail Member

    Jan 12, 2015
    It is HORRIBLE TRUCK and I regret buying this piece of crap for 196K !!! RIP OFF LIKE NEVER BEFORE !!!
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2021

    CORONA Bobtail Member

    Jan 12, 2015
    Stay away drivers from this truck. New "line and distance assistance" system will kill Your nerves !!! The sound of beeping goes around the cab, so if team driving - no sleep for the other in the sleeper. Dealership says, You can't disconnect it, b-cuse is connected to ABS etc !!! HORRIBLE IDEA FOR OUR TRANSCANDA 2 LINE HWY where You have to come close to the other vehicle to pass. I would rather buy 2018 used than this monster. I hate my new truck!!
  10. Midwest Trucker

    Midwest Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 31, 2018
    I have a 2018 I’ll trade you straight up for it. And FYI the lane departure stuff isn’t mandatory for another year or two. Could have ordered without.
    jason6541 Thanks this.
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