Marten Transport 2016

Discussion in 'Marten' started by KaoMinerva, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Rhino2604

    Rhino2604 Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Guys I'm at Marten now and run on the Central Plaines regional out of Kansas City "I live in KC as well" and I love this company. My truck has had some SERIOUS electrical issues and I was off all last week Monday through Friday -and still brought home $603 on payday. The company does pay you for breakdown I never thought they'd do it while I sat at home.
    Any questions plz ask. I'm a current driver here and will shoot anybody straight.
    paul_4lp Thanks this.
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  3. KaoMinerva

    KaoMinerva Transcendent God

    Feb 5, 2016
    Been here a year and I did enjoy burning them for about 1K last week on a 4 day work week LOL. What pay scale are you under if you don't mind me asking?
    paul_4lp Thanks this.
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