Transport America Opinion?

Discussion in 'Transport America' started by fjrgerry, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. fjrgerry

    fjrgerry Light Load Member

    Dec 30, 2015
    Philadelphia suburbs
    I just applied to TA as a new/student driver and would like any feedback on the company. I was told after a 3 day orientation in Indianapolis I would have a 5 week (or so) OTR training period where I was the principle driver. After that there are regional positions available where I can get home most weekends.
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  3. americanmadetrucker

    americanmadetrucker Logistical Engineer

    Jul 3, 2012
    Lots of fed-ex freight. Embrace New Jersey. Every inch of it. You're going often. I personally like it, you reload quickly and on your way.
    fjrgerry Thanks this.
  4. Trucker Smith

    Trucker Smith Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2012
    Janesville, Wisconsin
    its 3 day orientation in Fort Wayne (least was there when i started) you would have a 21 (least was there when i started) day training of OTR with a trainer. for regional its Midwest, South East, & Ohio Regional positions
    fjrgerry Thanks this.
  5. jethro712

    jethro712 Medium Load Member

    Aug 31, 2014
    been with them a year and its all in your attitude, if you want decent epuipment and safety first, give them a shot
  6. wolf98

    wolf98 Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    bowling green, ky
    100% correct. I used to work for transport america and infact the only reason I left was due to snow storm and death in the family. it was the best company I ever worked for except for hometime. they kept trying to send me in the wrong direction of my house every single day of transit. other than that it was great. sorry for late reply
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