Mega carrier deception...

Discussion in 'Trucker Legal Advice' started by Irish Tweet, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    If you have proof and can contest it then move forward with a lawsuit. Pretty simple solution.
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  3. GYPSY65

    GYPSY65 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    SW FLA
    What brand crash mitigation system do you have?
    I have a 2021 truck and mine is doing the same things ( bendix )
    Brake light in dash will read following too close with no one around
    Then brake light will illuminate and if it feels like it. It will lock the brakes

    Sometimes for a second and others it will hold them even if I am on the throttle

    Actually sitting in the shop again right now
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  5. GYPSY65

    GYPSY65 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    SW FLA
    Just an update

    After being to several different shops I was told to remove the cover on the bumper that seals off the hole to the radar unit and to see if that does anything

    I did that several weeks ago and so far it’s working as it should with no more warnings going off randomly
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
    baha Thanks this.
  6. QuietStorm

    QuietStorm Heavy Load Member

    Dec 11, 2016
    A company I was working for had one of those systems on the truck I drove for them, almost jack knifed me and threw me off a cliff. Only reason I didn’t die that day was because of instinct that told me to drive toward the cliff and then correct slowly. Otherwise that would have been it for me.

    The reason why it did that is because I was going around a curve and the sensor picked up a car in the other lane in front of me and decided To lock the brakes.

    Anyway, will never drive for a company that has those again. Good drivers don’t need computers to tell them when to brake.

    edit: get a lawyer.
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