to all end dump haulers...

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by leo319, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. Professor No-Name

    Professor No-Name Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    That and have ya seen some of their sleeper trucks? I've seen coffins wider than them skinny bunks on those kw's. Not me jack , i gotta have some comfy space.
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  3. Professor No-Name

    Professor No-Name Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    That's wild as all get out.
  4. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    Yikes, that guy needs to check his britches for a diamond from the speed and strength of the likely buttclench as it went down. On the bright side he is likely to get a free beer or two telling that story.

    Been busy here as well though my bullfrog decided to die again. Apprently whoever owned this rig before i did never heard of a maintaince schedule. The quality sensor died which lead to my doser clogging up and frying my pump and cooking my brand new nox sensor. Another half week down the drain. 20210429_103210.jpg 20210429_103130.jpg
  5. Professor No-Name

    Professor No-Name Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    Hey just curious. Do any of you guys know anything about bones transportation? I was researching end dump companies an i see they've got ads all over the net for my area as well as plenty other areas.
  6. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    Their a pretty good company. Pay pretty well and the equipment is good quality. Good all around folks as well. Id recomend them.
    motocross25 and Professor No-Name Thank this.
  7. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    For Kansas standards they are “just down the road” from KC in Ottawa. I see them everywhere. They have a lot of accounts and runs and it seems like everywhere I go my dispatcher tells me “it’s a Bones load”. I’ve been to nurseries and landscaping companies way out in Oklahoma and Colorado and up by Chicago and they usually tell me they didn’t expect to see me, usually it’s a Bones truck. A buddy of mine was leased on to them and did a lot of Erie coke, lots of stuff in Pennsylvania and Michigan, but I mean they go all over. I think he liked it, but he had his own truck and wanted to go off completely on his own is why he left. He did say if they get somewhere and the dump spot sucks they leave, and take it somewhere else. Apparently Bones doesn’t put up with shoddy dump areas and take it seriously. Check out their Facebook page, they have pretty cool pics of taking ball dirt to some MLB stadiums.
    kylefitzy and Professor No-Name Thank this.
  8. Professor No-Name

    Professor No-Name Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    I was just wondering what they were like in todays times. My buddy worked there back in the late 90's an didn't do very well. I seen their ads and in them they talk about pay running around 1100 gross a week. Maybe that's ok for non hazmat dump work , i don't know, just saying. When i hauled hazmat dust i would make that on a short week but on a good week i was grossing 1500 plus. Some weeks we only did 2 rounds an the 2 round week was the short week. My wife has offered to stop driving so i could go back to work pulling dump solo as long as she still gets to ride along but i can't make income wise solo obviously what we do as a team so that's probably not gonna happen for awhile. Now if we could find a team gig pulling non hazmat end dump that'd be just the ticket.
    motocross25 Thanks this.
  9. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    They will run your wheels off if you let them. Currently have more work then they know what to do with too . If you only want to do local though the pay is kinda low. Your friend may have also been working for T-Bones who arent nearly as good in some ways better in others. Average for me was around $1500-1800 a week before taxes at 24% when i was company. They also may have a gig for teams and i know their owner op pay is great when my #### truck (im an O/O) not in a shop. They run all cat gliders that are mostly reliable and paul will treat you good.
    motocross25 Thanks this.
  10. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    What?! When you were company with them? How long were you out?
  11. Professor No-Name

    Professor No-Name Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2016
    That is good to know that they might have some thing 4 teams to do. When my friend worked there he told me that he worked I believe for a dispatcher that owned a couple trucks maybe even just one truck I don't remember for sure. I know somebody had suggested it one time talkin to JK Williams but they don't return my calls for whatever reason so yeah I will definitely check out bones thank you buddy.
    motocross25 Thanks this.
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