How has trucking effected your health?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by TNT Fleet Development, Jan 10, 2022.

  1. Gsm

    Gsm Light Load Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Kool looking dog... what is it??
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  3. Elroythekid

    Elroythekid Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Halifax Nova Scotia
    I've always had a dog. Dont ever see not having one. It's a big commitment but they give so much back it's a no brainer. Its lots of work in the truck, and you have to introduce them to the truck slowly. Car rides first, then the truck.
    She learned quick. Her seat is her seat, dont bark when I'm sleeping unless it's an emergency. One night at the pilot in houston she woke me up going crazy and she was in my seat, took me a minute to figure it out, and the guy jumped in his truck and bolted when he felt my sleeper move, but he was siphoning my fuel into his truck. Idled his up to make noise, had my cap off, didnt get anything, took off like a shot.
    Shes my body guard for sure. Shes probably got a million miles under her collar I'm sure. 20160527_194602.jpg 20160507_165357.jpg IMG_0516.jpg
  4. Elroythekid

    Elroythekid Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Halifax Nova Scotia
    Miniature Golden Doodle. They dont shed much, and hypoallergenic. When we get another dog, I'll definetly get another one.
    Some pup shots.. IMG_0184.jpg IMG_0166.jpg
  5. T.Rucker

    T.Rucker Medium Load Member

    Jul 31, 2015
    Here and there…
    To the OP are you asking how it has AFFECTED our health or do you really mean “effected”? Cuz I’m not sure effected makes any sense…but it’s cold outside and my brain could be frozen mush…
    Domingo101 and JoeyJunk Thank this.

    TROOPER to TRUCKER Anything Is Possible

    Dec 15, 2014
    Charlotte, NC
    Nice we have a golden doodle that looks exactly like that. Love her.
    Speed_Drums, JoeyJunk and Elroythekid Thank this.
  7. Natty Bro

    Natty Bro Light Load Member

    Nov 23, 2021
    A lot of blame needs to be put on the corporate owned truck stops. They put in absolute garbage like Subway and poison their customers. You see, in the USA, it's perfectly OK to poison people for your bottom line--it's cultural! In the EU, they at least try to protect their citizens, although not fully.

    Try getting a healthy warm meal on the road, it's virtually impossible, unless you drive in California and can stop at an Indian truck stop restaurant. This is at least real food, unlike American fast food.

    We Americans have lost taste and the ability to differentiate between food made from nature and in a lab. Blame needs to be put on these fast food corporations because each year they dream up ways to cut corners, and create the cheapest quality food available, and they don't care about you, me, your kids, or this country.

    Getting in and out of your truck a couple times a day should be enough exercise for anyone, but when you're consuming absolute garbage 3Xs a day, no way your body can compete with that. The proof can be seen at any truck stop in the USA. The amount of sick and dying people there is absolutely disturbing. This is why I avoid truck stops all together, I cannot stand to see it. It's very sad.

    For Subway, A Ruling Not So Sweet. Irish Court Says Its Bread Isn't Bread
  8. Mattflat362

    Mattflat362 Road Train Member

    Feb 18, 2015
    Avon Lake, Ohio
    "Getting in and out of your truck a couple times a day should be enough exercise for anyone"

  9. Natty Bro

    Natty Bro Light Load Member

    Nov 23, 2021
    Getting in and out of a truck is more than enough. Do you know Okinawans live the longest in the world. Do you know why? Firstly, most importantly, is FOOD! Secondly, they do not use chairs at home. They sit on the floor so they have to squat a lot and stand up a lot. Think about how many times a day they do this simple thing. It's so routine and random but it keeps them fit. They also garden a lot. No gyms, no jogging, just simple life routines to keep them fit.

    How many times does a trucker get in and out of their truck? Several. Some truckers really work, like flatbedders. Ever see an obese flat bedder? I do every day! I did flat bedding for years, I stayed strong and thin, BUT, I know the difference between real food and junk. This is key!
  10. Natty Bro

    Natty Bro Light Load Member

    Nov 23, 2021
    If you don't believe me, give up sugar, eat only white rice, vegetables and a little meat, then get back to me in a year.
  11. wore out

    wore out Numbered Classic

    Jun 5, 2013
    Saved me from being an adult film star.......though not as fun has to be better for me
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