What's the job market like in El Paso?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Enzo_Guy, Jan 24, 2022.

  1. Enzo_Guy

    Enzo_Guy Light Load Member

    Feb 15, 2018
    Laredo, TX
    Yeah but a lot of the Laredo freight goes east. I'm at the point now that I don't really want to stay in the west. I'm mostly curious if there are a lot of companies that run only the west in El Paso. I like El Paso and border life in general, I just don't want to move there and find that all the trucking companies just go to Chicago or Atlanta or something like that.
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  3. John Joel Glanton

    John Joel Glanton Light Load Member

    Sep 22, 2021
    I would try JB Hunt since they have a terminal there or go to Old Dominion and do the line haul thing 100k a year home daily.
  4. Dockbumper

    Dockbumper Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    Phoenix would be your best bet then. Every Major Trucking Company has a Terminal there. It sounds like you would like a "Western Eleven" job. More freight than you can shake a stick at right now. Just beware, You'll likely be spending lots if time in So Cal. Just takes forever to get in and out, plus the 55mph speed limit. Although, I'll take a load into and out of So Cal over ANYTHING in the Dallas/ Ft Worth area.
    nredfor88 Thanks this.
  5. Enzo_Guy

    Enzo_Guy Light Load Member

    Feb 15, 2018
    Laredo, TX
    Ironic, I just picked up a load in Gardena on Friday and dropped it off in Ft Worth this morning haha! I used to have a dedicated lane from Laredo to DFW and back, it's not really that bad once you get used to it and know what highways to take at what time.
    Yeah I went to California a lot with my first company. It's not my first choice, but I'll take it over anything east of 35.
    I do think western eleven would be perfect for me. I just like El Paso for various reasons and I wish I could find a "western eleven plus El Paso" type job.
  6. Dockbumper

    Dockbumper Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    Despite the crap that people spout about Swift, they probably have some of the best opportunities for people like you. Their pay has gone up.....like most companies over the last couple of years, tons of dedicated and regional accounts as well. @Moosetek13 has been there for years. @Six9GS has been very happy there as well. Each of them runs a different regional area. I would put a call in to a recruiter. What do you have to lose?
  7. loudtom

    loudtom Road Train Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Mesilla Valley Transportation is based near there. I don't know anything about them, though.
    spindrift and RockinChair Thank this.
  8. Dockbumper

    Dockbumper Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    I have heard some not so good things......but, hearsay doesn't hold water. I'm sure they have happy and pissed off drivers just like everybody else!:D
    bryan21384 Thanks this.
  9. Enzo_Guy

    Enzo_Guy Light Load Member

    Feb 15, 2018
    Laredo, TX
    Yeah from skimming the forums a bit I saw a few guys saying Swift is actually a decent option for western regional out of both El Paso and Phoenix. I don't know if I want to deal with them constantly micro-managing me, though. I'm currently on a load board so I'm used to a good deal of autonomy.

    They say they're based in Las Cruces (I think for tax reasons) but that is little more than a yard with 10-15 trailers and the same number of trucks. The real main headquarters is in El Paso.
    I ran a dedicated lane with them previously. I would have to think long and hard about going back there.
    loudtom Thanks this.
  10. Enzo_Guy

    Enzo_Guy Light Load Member

    Feb 15, 2018
    Laredo, TX
    If you really want to know, here's an old post I made about my time spent working for them
    Mesilla Valley Express

    EDIT: I went and reread that post. Turns out you even responded to it buddy :D
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2022
  11. Dockbumper

    Dockbumper Road Train Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    I started with Swift as a student and rookie driver in May of 2016. Even as a rookie, I was never micromanaged. The stories you hear about such things are usually drivers that can't manage to pick up or deliver on time..... ever.... Usually the same guys that can't find their ### with both hands in direct sunlight. Show up as a driver that can plan his trips, deliver the freight in time....... You will not be micromanaged. Believe it or not...... They love not having to babysit. Prove yourself and they will be busy babysitting the driver that I mentioned above. You will just operate on the QC.
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