Where is the money in trucking?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Moneyhungrytrucker, Feb 2, 2023.

  1. idriveaholden

    idriveaholden Super Heavy Hauler

    Mar 14, 2018
    5 years dry van and you think you're worth 110k as a no experience tanker driver, goodluck with that...
    we don't do this job just for the money...
    mustang190 Thanks this.
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  3. Turtlelegs

    Turtlelegs Light Load Member

    Apr 15, 2022
    It isn't peanuts. It is a middle class salary. Maybe a 22 year old who had a baby before he was able to afford one might not be able to buy a house within a year of deciding that he should get his crap together but so what? He will be able to buy a house eventually. A single 22 year old who spends 80% of his time living in a truck doesn't need a house. He doesn't need to rent a place for himself either. Is that not thriving? Maybe not but why should a 22 year old who is just now getting serious about his life be thriving?

    Your post reeks of entitlement. This 22 year old has an opportunity to make a lot of money in their life but it will take time & energy.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2023
  4. mjv2744

    mjv2744 Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2021
    Just to straighten a few things out.
    75000 tax is 9274 federal. Yes there is state in some states but it is not that much. Using Maryland as I know someone mentioned it it is 4.75 but has some exemptions and there is local as well so for simple sake let’s use 5% 3750 in this example.
    So fed and state is 13000 fica another 7500 so call it 20 maybe 21.
    75000 minus 21000 is 54000 is 4500 so right there is 10% more income then your example.
    On top of that using the medical thing that will create a deduction the child will also create a deduction so his/her tax bill will go down.
    In regards to disability short term or long term lowest I have ever seen is 60% so again holes in that.
    Now the child support I will say is too low but there is many factors that go into that one.
    I would also say it is about living to one’s means.
    No one making 75k should be paying 1600 a month for a place with those other obligations. He has 40% going to housing. No budget should have more than 25-30% on housing. Any financial budgeting guide will tell you that. In fact mortgage guidelines say 28 is the absolute max if you have zero other debt.
    I hate to read the blame on immigrants who are trying to do better for themselves it is very close minded and racist. Fact is most non immigrant folks don’t want to work hard or as hard as they are happy to. If there was not a need for them then why are they here.
    Also most if not all of us did not originate in the US (family lines obviously). And why did our great great grandparents come here? For a better life.
    Turtlelegs and bryan21384 Thank this.
  5. Rubber duck kw

    Rubber duck kw Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    That's funny, I can name a half a dozen young, 30 or under, couples only the husband works outside the home making well under 100k a year with multiple kids and they seem to be doing a lot better than just surviving to me. My brother in law is one of them and they have 5 rugrats eating everything in sight. You all hate to hear this, but maybe you need to lower your standards just a touch. You don't need that 650k dollar home, 80k dollar vehicle, or 2 of them, and all the other doodads nobody thinks they can live without.
  6. Moneyhungrytrucker

    Moneyhungrytrucker Light Load Member

    Apr 21, 2017
    Ahhh I am talking to a company right now, that has a opening maybe coming up in 2-3 weeks who is ready to put me on a waiting list to have first shot at the job for $2200 per week. Thats $114k per year. I even recorded the phone call. lol

    My problem is they have driver facing cams.

    I have my Hazmat and tanker endorsements and twic card.

    So go and try to gaslight someone else.

    You know how dumb you sound? let me ask you this .....how many couples actually plan to have a child?

    Most pregnancies usally goes something like this.

    Wife/GF: Honey can talk, I have something to tell you.
    Husband/BF: what is it babe?
    Wife/GF: Hummmmm Honey I think Im pregnant :)

    But I am sure you with your infinite wisdom are perfect, I am sure you plan everything.
    There is an old saying "you wanna make god laugh, tell him you plans"
    I am sure everything you plan goes exactly according to your plan.

    Unforseen things happen, I understand some people can be reckless with their spending habits. I am not talking about reckless people.

    So your saying all the single 22 yr old men who are not truck drivers making only 75k a year, they have some other job deserve to be homeless "they dont need a house" thats what you just said.

    We are not talking about just truck drivers here, this discussion is about if 70k to 80k is enough to get ahead.... Follow the topic, your a little slow to catch on.

    You do relize this was just a hypothetical scenario, the numbers will not be exact.

    In some states you have federal and state and local county taxes.
    I used 33% because thats how much taxes on adverage I see coming out of my checks thru out the year.

    This is the problem with the older generation they think because what worked for them should work for the new generation. They can't fathom the times have changed, they never consider the possibility that they might be out of touch.

    What worked for them no longer works.

    For example
    Buying a $200,000 house now requires a 20% downpayment thats $40,000.

    50 years ago you could buy a house for $30,000-$40,000. A dollar was actually worth something back then, now days we have allowed goverment to debase our currency. And salary raises have not been keeping up with inflation.


    Your out of touch.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  7. Moneyhungrytrucker

    Moneyhungrytrucker Light Load Member

    Apr 21, 2017
    Unless you know exactly what the details of their financial picture are your just assuming. Many people "LOOK LIKE THEY ARE DOING WELL" all while drowning in debt.

    No way in hell someone making $75k is getting a bank to approve them for a $650k home mortgage loan and a $80k car loan..... are all you people really this naive?
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
    Coover Thanks this.
  8. Rubber duck kw

    Rubber duck kw Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    I know people worth millions who I would consider to be drowning in debt.
    That's just a number I threw out there. I'm sure you don't consider living in 150k dollar house thriving.
    You fail to realize that your "barely surviving" is another's "living high on the hog."
  9. Moneyhungrytrucker

    Moneyhungrytrucker Light Load Member

    Apr 21, 2017
    $150k will buy you a tiny row home in Baltimore Md. This was just a quick example I pulled up... I didnt spend alot of time looking.

    As a single man I would not mind, but with kids no way would I want my kids in this part of baltimore .... this area is filled with heroin and crack addicts and prostitution. And this house is far too small to raise a family of 4 or 5.
  10. Rubber duck kw

    Rubber duck kw Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2017
    I see your problem. Look anywhere that is NOT a massive ####hole.
  11. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    Do you have ties to Baltimore? Lots and lots of other places to live where your money goes farther.

    My personal example from small town Nebraska, I bought a house and the two lots next to it so I can build a shop. The inside of the house was gutted so had to be rebuilt from the insulation out. All in for everything was under $70k and everything on the inside was brand new a couple years ago when I moved in.

    If you live someplace cheaper you don’t have to work 52 weeks a year to support your life. You can work a lot less and maintain your life and be just fine.
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