Good bye my trucking dream!

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Rahat, Mar 5, 2023.

  1. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    With this condition, it is impossible. So sad! So sad! So sad! My dream is over. These medications will ruin everything :(

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  3. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    Will I ever get better and suitable for trucking! Feeling so hopeless right now!
    BennysPennys Thanks this.
  4. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    May be a blessing in disguise. Whenever the universe closes one door, it opens another. Try to keep your head up. Moap around for a bit if you need to but try to think of the good things in your life. Look at the opportunity in general in this part of the world, there is so much. We also don't have problems a lot of the world does. Work hard and don't get in trouble with the law and you can have a decent life. As in, you can have shelter and food. Sure, that might not be in the Beverly hills eating waygu beef and caviar every day, but really, do you need that to be happy?
  5. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    I just need $3000/month, and drive around America to be happy. And a Toyota Tacoma or Ford Ranger pickup. And God took that ability from me. I am a dizzy man :(
  6. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    You got a place to sleep and a fridge full of food?

    If your only path to happiness is 3000 a month and to truck around America I suggest you at least try to open your mind to the possibilities there is something out there you just don't know what it is yet. This is all part of my theory sure everything can be looking like there's nothing good to come of the future. Well go ahead and be miserable for a while and try new things you never know what will lead to something you never knew existed but you have to give it a chance. What do you have to lose? When we get to the end we all go back to the earth one way or another. May as well at least try and have a good time between now and then.
    Sirscrapntruckalot and Rahat Thank this.
  7. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    If I ever lose my driving privilege because of dizziness, that will be the day when I will end my life. I cannot imagine a life without driving my car around America. These negative thoughts are pushing me towards antidepressants. Eye doctor says my vision is 20/20. ENT says my ears are fine, ultrasound of my neck is fine, neuro says by brain is fine. Brain MRI result should come in a week. Hopefully that's fine too. Maybe it is the fear and anxiety of my me losing my dreaming that is making dizzy. Hopefully antidepressants calm me down and fix me. I will find a way to get a CDL with antidepressants, it is not impossiblem
  8. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    Yes I have some savings and have a little job that will feed me. But I am sooo scared
  9. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    I have driven the whole length of I-80 and I-90. I want to do that all my life. Driving keeps me happy. Driving is my antidepressant. Closed places make me anxious. CDL is the key to my happiness and mental well being
  10. Rahat

    Rahat Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2023
    God cannot be this unfair and cruel to me. All this dizziness happened right after I got my permit and was about to fill an application with trucking company. I cleaned the undercarriage of my Jeep and boom next day I had neck pain and dizziness.
  11. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    Too bad you can't bottle up your positivity and sell it.
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