Stuff for MY truck! Fridge, microwave, slow cooker?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by JustSonny, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. JustSonny

    JustSonny Big Dummy

    Oct 22, 2009
    Troutman NC
    Yet another topic beat to death but I'm too lazy to look back at old threads.

    I'm about 10 days, maybe less, from testing out and getting my own truck. I need basic frills. Microwave, fridge, slow cooker, what else? No TV, no sound system, nothing to clutter up the limited space. Key word....SIMPLICITY!

    GPS? CB?

    Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. :biggrin_25514:
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  3. marmonman

    marmonman Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    central illinois
    The only things you need to start out with are clean clothes ,a road map, your log book and a load of freight ! The rest you can and will collect the longer you are in your truck.
    Ike, JustSonny, Saddle Tramp and 4 others Thank this.
  4. milskired

    milskired Road Train Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Plainfield, IL
    Get yourself a good roadmap. They can be had for about 20-30 bucks at a truckstop. Make sure you get a deluxe road atlas that has the nice laminated pages. As for a CB just get a cheap one until your in the truck long enough and know you like truckin. You will need a CB at a lot of shippers and recievers and as for a GPS theres no need for one just use a nice road map. A fridge is nice to have but its not needed especially right away. I never had one in my old Prime company truck and I did just fine. Go shopping at walmart and buy yourself some food and stuff from there. I would always have a 24 pack of water in my truck and a bunch of cups of noodles and a bag or 2 of chips. Much cheaper then eating truckstop food everyday and you only need hot water from a truckstop for the noodles. Buy the basics at first not what you want. It will all come to you after a while.
    JustSonny Thanks this.
  5. Palazon

    Palazon Road Train Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Tacoma, WA
    Mapping, good Atlas (Rand Mc). Got a Laptop? Toss on MS Street and Trips ($25-$80).

    Food: I used 2 coolers. 1 was a small drink cooler for about $30 (TS) and hold 9 sodas. It rode right next to me on the floor. The 2nd I paid $100 (online store) for and used it for the jelly and lunch meats, etc. Also add a lunchbox heater from a TS for heating up soups, etc. The liners are much cheaper online. Or give me a call when you get up here, I've got a 100 left over.

    Don't forget a GOOOD thermos!!!!!

    Used my cell phone as alarm clock. Grab a fan, you'll need it.

    Basic tool kit: Screwdrivers, Channel locks, Vice grips, crecent wrenches (2), Tape measure, 2-3lb hammer. And a Rain coat (PacNW driver:biggrin_25525:).

    CB: grab a cheap one on sale at TS. Paid $30, worked fine. Might want to add a gear keeper mic leash so you don't have to fumble with the mic. Also, I reccomend XM or Sirus radio attachment for entertainment. I also had a small DVD player for movies and my favorite TV shows on DVD.

    Shorts and wife beater for sleeping. I hate sleeping bags, so cheap sheet set from Wally World.

    Glad to hear you're doing well!

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2010
    JustSonny Thanks this.
  6. outerspacehillbilly

    outerspacehillbilly "Instigator of the Legend"

    May 28, 2009
    The Who's Your State
    What does G the M have in his truck? You don't know after all this time? :biggrin_25522: What items do you use now? Come on Sonny you already know these answers. :biggrin_25525: Don't you?
    JustSonny Thanks this.
  7. CommDriver

    CommDriver Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2006
    A lot of this is contingent on whether you can have an inverter. And for a small refrigerator, you would probably need to remove one of the cabinets or strap it down in the top bunk. And many companies don't allow you to do either.

    The cheap thermo-electric coolers are good as long as you don't let it get too hot in the truck because it only cools 40 degrees below the ambient temperature. If you have an APU to keep the inside of the truck cool, your cooler should stay cool also. Then there are the more expensive versions that will stay cool in all temps. Those are at least $300 and operate off of a compressor.

    I wouldn't worry about the rest until you get settled in the truck. Spend 2-3 weeks in there and you'll have a better idea about how you want to use your space.
    JustSonny Thanks this.
  8. JustSonny

    JustSonny Big Dummy

    Oct 22, 2009
    Troutman NC
    All we have in this truck is a cooler. Also a couple of small inverters. No TV, micro, coffee pot. I don't care about the TV....I get all my news on the TTR. If it ain't on the TTR, it ain't happenin'.:biggrin_2559: Also, the forum news commentators are far more interesting than the pretty boys and girls on the tube.

    I've been looking around at "stuff" at truckstops. I'm surprised to find that some of the prices aren't unreasonable. Some actually seem to be more than fair. I have found, so far, that I would really like to have a micro and cooler. The cooker or whathaveyou can wait.

    I did buy a 2010 Atlas. Spiral bound and slick pages. I think it was about $30. I also inherited my mentor's 2009 model. Not sure what I'll use it for, maybe some scribbling and notes.

    Thanks for all the help so far!:biggrin_25514:
  9. outerspacehillbilly

    outerspacehillbilly "Instigator of the Legend"

    May 28, 2009
    The Who's Your State
    Microwave is nice to have and can save you going to bed hungry ion the event you get screwed at a shipper/receiver and stuck overnight or all day. Stay away from the coleman coolers they are junk and only last a few short months. Get a Koolatron or igloo brand electric cooler and they'll last a while and do a good job. You may or may not eventually want a tv i rarely watch mine but take my spells so it's nice to have especially if get stuck somewhere that you can't get a signal for the internet on a 34 hr reset or something.

    If the extra atlas is paperback you can definitely make notes on it. That's what I used to do. I had a laminate copy that I use to route and if I ran acrossed things I thought I would want to remember ( such as roads to stay away from, or places to not stop or places to definitely stop again etc.... ) I would highlight it on the paperback and even maybe use a sticky note or just write on the map in marker or whatever to make my notation on.
    Everett and JustSonny Thank this.
  10. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Yeah, I agree, hold off on buying a bunch of supplies for awhile. Be careful of truck stop products, (lots of China stuff as in junky). Look at RV supply stores and compare before you buy. But you must have a good CB radio on day 1.
    JustSonny and bullhaulerswife Thank this.

    BIG RIGGER Road Train Member

    Feb 25, 2010
    You stole my post marmonman exactly what I was going to say and is good advice.Stay focused on the task at hand and not what is cooking in the crockpot.
    JustSonny Thanks this.
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