Sabek Transport. Or "what to look for when choosing."

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Tip, May 4, 2007.

  1. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    Sabek is a good example of the kind of company you need to avoid. I know Sabek is in Cally, and Cally is truly anal when it comes to truck safety, but many a company out there is just like these guys. They neglect some of their rigs for some reason, and those rigs end up in slag heaps or rubble piles later.

    I wonder why the CDOT didn't shut 'em down like a year ago.
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  3. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    I admit, I am a little bit confused here. You have never mentioned before that you had worked hauling fuel for Sabek in the Bay area. I never realized that you had been a fuel tanker driver and worked out there. I thought most of your time was OTR running out of the Salt Lake area?

    But, since you have first hand experience with this company and inside knowledge of what happens there, please give us a little bit more detail and let us know what the company is like. Always happy to have someone who can supply first hand knowledge of a specific company and can report on exactly what the problems are with the company, rather than merely relying on what they read in news paper stories about them.
  4. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    Ahh, you're confused again. Let me set you straight. Apparently you didn't read the article. Just click on the link, if it's not deactivated. I see my link is active again today, unlike earlier when I couldn't access it. Yesterday I needed to become a member to see it. Thankfully, someone high on the pole put a stop to that censorship.

    Hey, bud....Just a side question, real quick, ol' buddy ol' pal.....You wouldn't be tryin' to get me to register so you can find out who I am would you? You know that's not gonna happen, man. It will take some work (and mulla) to prove beyond a doubt who this old boy is. Wise ones never reveal their true selves when they're surrounded by enemies.

    Anyway, who needs to be actually employed by Sabek to know they suck?
    I just have to read the news report. It tells me everything I need to know to make a good decision. That decision is "stay away from Sabek".

    Over 60 violations since 2004 for a company with only eight trucks tells me I want no part of them. And to top it off, these guys haul GASOLINE in trucks that have faulty brakes? Are you dense, man?
  5. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    The point of this section is to report a company that you have had bad experience with, not to pick things out of the headlines and then come up with an opinion on the company. By doing this, you are misleading others when they read your "opinion". I'm well aware of what the newspapers are reporting about Sabek, but I can't comment on the quality of the company in any personal way and warn people away becaue I have no firsthand experience with them. The most I could do is point out to someone that they have had problems and leave it at that.

    It''s a matter of credibility, and I won't spend mine just jumping on a bandwagon because I saw the words "trucking company' printed in the local newspaper. Others's spend their credibility in curious ways.

    As for who you are, never been a corncern or of interest to me. All I ever need to know about you has been revealed in your posts over time. Tracking you down personally interests me about as much as it does any other 4 wheeler, whether they post occasionally on a trucking board or not. In light of your bizarre sense of paranoia, it's not like I am going to make an arrangement to meet for dinner or something.
  6. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    Yeah, yeah. Blah Blah Blah. The truth is it doesn't matter where I get my info--if a report is credible, that is good enough for me. This website isn't the only great source of credible info on trucking companies. There are many other sources I would use if I were choosing a company to work for. If one is wise, he'll make sure he doesn't need to rely solely on a website like this to make his decisions. Sometimes, although rarely, RupertNews's manipulations of our apathetic selves can be used for positive things, such as helping us see that a particular trucking company doesn't cut it. Truck wrecks are big news, after all.

    One must indeed be wise when he posts negative info on any website, especially negative info about trucking companies. And wise ones never tell potential back-stabbers who they are. That's not paranoia, my naive friend. It's common sense.

    You see....I don't know you from Adam. And I've pissed off many a company insider, some of whom may be vindictive. If I tell you who I am, what do you do with that info? You see my point, or at least I hope you do. And considering I don't want to have to learn Tae Kwon Do or carry my 9mm everydamnwhere, I'll keep my identity to myself.

    Trust nobody on these sites and you should be fine. If you let down your guard for only a moment you're just begging for trouble.
  7. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    Adventures in paranoialand!!! LOL

    I am sure that there are a great many companies out there who spend all their days plotting and scheming how to take revengeo on "that guy who worked for us for 3 weeks about 7 years ago".

    Paranoia is it's own reward......
  8. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Well, Tip's right about this to a point. I agree that worrying about making yourself known on this forum to a company you worked for some time ago may be a little bit overboard, however it is definitely good advice to keep anything hidden that could be used to identify you when talking about your current employer, tractor number, trailer number, anything.
  9. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    But, Tip doesn't have to worry about anyone id'ing his truck number, a trailer number, his employer, or anything else trucking related to him. He doesn't have a CDL, hasn't had one for years, and according to his own words, has no plans to get one for various reasons. So for him at least, it isn't an issue and isn't likely to become one in the forseeable future. If we were asking the license plate number and color, make and model of his car, then he needs to worry, but in the trucking world, he's a nonentity.
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    I guess he just wants to lead by example.
  11. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    And don't start thinking you yourself are anything above a mere army ant in the world of trucking, Burkybuddy. My battle isn't with you anyway. I've got much bigger adversaries in mind when battleship Tip comes sailing in to this website. I'm after trucking company insiders.

    You're right--here are a few companies out there who I probably pissed off back in the day. They brought it all on themselves, as is usually the case when any driver quits 'em. But those aren't the companies I'm talking about here. I'm speaking of those in the here and now who'll try to get one over on website posters who tell the truth, a truth that just happens to cost them a few naive lambs. Sometimes we may cost 'em many more than just a few when we exercise our rights to free speech and free press.

    Ocean waves are insiginificant specks to beach rocks. But over time, which wins? Keep hammering away and changes will come. Never give up.

    Anytime, anywhere, you company insiders you. Surely you know by now I hope to put all you ######## on the bottom.
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