Driver killed 8/7 in Loves Parking lot in Odessa TX?????

Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by goodchoice10, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Slot Car Racer

    Slot Car Racer Light Load Member

    May 12, 2011
    Winston Salem, NC
    Saw a young driver race through a fuel island last month in Roland OK got his truck number but never got around to calling his company. I'm going to get the Info out of my log and call them today. Maybe I can prevent it from happening again.
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  3. goodchoice10

    goodchoice10 Heavy Load Member

    Aug 31, 2010
    The Buckeye
    Certainly your not making light of such a tragic situation......:biggrin_25511:
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
  4. metric adjustable

    metric adjustable Light Load Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    dunno; gps is down
    Hearing about this accident and the subsequent condemnation of the driver, i can't help but think of the times that i've had pedestrians 'appear' in my headlights in parking lots. Shadows everywhere, trucks running about with driving lights on, parking with lights on, poorand badly mounted yard lighting... and pedestrians wearing fashionable dark clothing and walking with an attitude of invulnerability. 'Hit me and I'll sue' won't keep you alive, people. Both the driver and pedestrian should be on the lookout for trouble.

    Even with my head on a swivel and the transmission on the low side, i've had near misses with folks walking around oblivious to their surroundings, focused instead on cellphones, girlfriends, or what movie they're gonna watch when they get into the bunk. There is no solution to this problem except more caution on both sides.

    Pedestrians; you're the one at risk of death. Consider that it is often easier to stop a 200 lb man than it is an 80k truck; don't be so quick to assert your right of way, as the driver needs to see you to avoid you.
  5. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    seems to me the easiest place to get in trouble is at the truckstop
    ignorant drivers doing ignorant stuff
    i love the jake brake artists shifting thru all the gears going across some guy backing up
    i stop and wait for a guy backing up and always get yelled at by the guy behind me
    if it was 1975 the guy with the mouth might find himself on the ground
    everybody thinks about just themselves today
  6. -insert name-

    -insert name- ATM squishier

    Jul 12, 2012
    Had a SWIFT truck try that at a Petro 3 years ago, took that hood off. Not my fault, I didn't see him. I had to jackknife back because a truck was parked where he shouldn't be. SWIFT came up,
  7. Balakov100

    Balakov100 Road Train Member

    May 10, 2012
    Temple, TX
    Heard on Nemos show a few days ago.
    Kept trying to post this from my Tablet the other day...but it wasn't cooperating with the Cut+Paste.

    Googled found link
    Article says Pedestrian...Kind of a short story.
  8. lonelyswmtrucker

    lonelyswmtrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2011
    down the bayou
    that pedestrian that was ran over was also driver himself
  9. Balakov100

    Balakov100 Road Train Member

    May 10, 2012
    Temple, TX
    Yeah Figured that....but it doesn't specifically mention it.
    So didn't want to 'say' it.

    I see my thread was merged into this one....Sorry for the Double post didn't even see this one..
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2012
  10. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    If you're going SLOW like you're supposed to be doing in a parking lot...then then chances of this happening are slim to none...

    Like was reported in earlier makes me sick when a fool thinks they have to drive like a moron through a parking lot....

    Either slow your behind down or surrender your cdl...we don't need your kind behind the wheel of a semi!!
    Tractor7127 Thanks this.
  11. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Tha loves in Odessa has a very large open lot...I think someone was trying to be a billy big rigger...sadly it needlessly cost someone their life...
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