oilfield the new adventure begins will keep you updated

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by C.B., Sep 1, 2012.

  1. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    HA...i am stalking you HEWHO........
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  3. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

    HeWhoMustNotBeNamed Crusty Pogosticker!!

    Jan 25, 2012
    Cartoon Network
    I don't care if ya mad or not. You just keep them Spoons away from me !! I ain't CB......or Ev......or Irish........or Odder ( although my Shrink begs to differ on that last one ). Wow !!! You really are bored !!! Lets go sneak up on Flo !! She's hiding in a corner booth at the Diner. Shhhhhhhh !!! Be vewy, vewy quiet........we're hunting Fwo's !!!
    Giggles the Original Thanks this.
  4. cuzzin it

    cuzzin it Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Berea, KY
    I signed up for Corpus Christi in January.... hearing that makes me wonder if i took a part time job
    Giggles the Original Thanks this.
  5. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    no just WHERE did i put that spoon with HEWHO's name on it???
  6. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

    HeWhoMustNotBeNamed Crusty Pogosticker!!

    Jan 25, 2012
    Cartoon Network
    Awwwww, don't that make me feel special............a personalized spoon..............HEY !!!! I told you !!! NO SPOONS !!! Remember ??? I ain't CB, Ev or Irish......or even Otter !!!!
    Giggles the Original Thanks this.
  7. lovesthedrive

    lovesthedrive R.I.P.

    Nov 11, 2008
    Sorrento Maine
    I think you need to ask BHW. Seems to me she was the one whom seemed to have the handle on him.
    Giggles the Original Thanks this.
  8. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    that it EXACTLY WHY i am looking for your spoon...you talked back....LOL...punishment time....
    HeWhoMustNotBeNamed Thanks this.
  9. JimDriv3r

    JimDriv3r Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2009
    This is a pleasant surprise! (How's it going, CB!!!) My route takes me through your area every week, but there is no way that I'm going to stop to say hello at 2am, or whatever ungodly vampire hour that I'm up and working around that time. I haven't read through this long thread yet, and with me being sleep deprived, hyped up on sugar and caffeine along with occasional bouts of self-diagnosed ADD, OCD, and hyperactivity, I'll get through this thread eventually. How do you like oil field work? You and your other half are always doing new and exciting things! What HAVEN'T you two hauled yet? :p Well, good luck and god speed in your new endeavor. I'll be thinking of you two everytime I pass through Odessa and make funny faces from the oil field fumes!

    Bathrooms are for quitters and city dwellers, lol! You're in Odessa! That place makes BF Egypt look like a thriving metropolis! You should just dig a hole, granted that you don't hit an undiscovered oil vein and strike it rich. Then you'll be making a new thread.....something along the lines of driving in Hawaii or something completely random. Yep, I can totally see that now! Also, nice job landing your new gig(gles)! :D
    Giggles the Original Thanks this.
  10. FloTheWaitress

    FloTheWaitress Crusty Go Go

    Feb 24, 2012
    Colorado Mountains
    Wanders in packing skillet
    Giggles the Original and LaBubba Thank this.
  11. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    lol....i just wrote ya back....i am sooooooooo happy you found us...i missed letters from you...and as usual, read them to hubby, he likes em too!! we ended up settling in NM tho...but i told ya that, i think...we have hauled pretty much everything....there are pics in here of his OD loads....
    JimDriv3r Thanks this.
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