My Truck, My Choice, Out of Denver, Colorado

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by skyviper73, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. PokerRunn

    PokerRunn Bobtail Member

    Oct 5, 2014
    Good luck on your new venture! I just got out of orientation in Green Bay, and I'm loving this 680. They sent a bunch of us up to Minnesota this week to grab empties, so I booked my first load out of northern Wisconsin. It's 4500 pounds (not 45,000!) and pays $2.40/mile. I could learn to love this after years of toting 40k in the reefer box at what was effectively $1.50/mile.

    BTW, if you're headed to GB and want to eat even half way healthy, pack a lunch. Word to the wise. . .
    Kroozn20 and skyviper73 Thank this.
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  3. motorheads5

    motorheads5 Bobtail Member

    Oct 7, 2012
    Kind of what I thought too, but stevep has good point as far as starting and ending at OC. I am hour and a half from either I-70 or I-80, or can run run direct between SLC and Denver on Hwy 40 through the house every couple/few weeks.
    lee2442 Thanks this.
  4. icsheeple

    icsheeple Trailing the Herd

    Nov 1, 2013
    Kansas City, KS
    Yeah, but to turn someone down because it costs them an extra $100 to go home??
    motorheads5 Thanks this.
  5. motorheads5

    motorheads5 Bobtail Member

    Oct 7, 2012
    Yes, seems that would be a decision for the IC to make. In my case, I would have no problem with it. I see 3-4 SNI trucks on Hwy 40 daily. (Usually two or three tankers and a van). I ran for a hot oil company out of Commerce City a few years ago and bob-tailed home several times, part of doing business from your domicile of choice.
  6. icsheeple

    icsheeple Trailing the Herd

    Nov 1, 2013
    Kansas City, KS
    Well, with that and age restrictions on tractors, they must have enough IC's.
    motorheads5 Thanks this.
  7. skyviper73

    skyviper73 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 17, 2012
    Centennial, CO
    Well I got my IDC load dropped at the Loveland Walmart DC and then parked the truck at the Denver Yard. I really hate moving out of trucks! It took me an hour and a half. Anyway, now everything is in my garage and I need to sort it all out and organize what I'm going to take with me to put in the "new to me" truck I'm closing on next week in IA.

    To the post about going to a dealership and not Lone Mountain, I put a decent size down payment on the truck I'm getting, and I budgeted to have $10k for start up and maintenance after I made my down payment. I am on target so far. I have a very "active" work history. I have been a job hopper for the past few years, always had a job, but had alot of them. That makes it challenging to get credit, especially for a truck. I also did a bankruptcy 4 years ago to clear off some medical bills that I was never going to get paid before I died. So with that history, I'm glad Lone Mountain was willing to work with me.

    I have operated several businesses in the past, and the best ammunition against failure is a solid plan and plenty of cash on hand because everything will cost more than expected! I am pretty sure with $10k in savings and $15k in available credit, if I can't make this work, I deserve to fail!

    As for living in NW Colorado, I don't see why you couldn't do the program. If you're willing to spend the $100 to get to the house when you want, it shouldn't make a difference. It's your CHOICE! Hmmmm.
    dieselfuelonly and motorheads5 Thank this.
  8. stevep1977

    stevep1977 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I'm sure if you talked to a different recruiter and sold yourself and your business plan you might have a chance. A lot of these recruiters speak from a script and don't deviate it seems.
    motorheads5 Thanks this.
  9. dieselfuelonly

    dieselfuelonly Road Train Member

    Nov 12, 2012
    Chapel Hill, NC
    Yeah that probably won't happen any more LOL... that and another place outside of Chesapeake... it'll be "drop the trailer where it kinda fits and let the jockey put where it needs to go"

    Thanks! The age limit on their website is just like the prompt a phone recruiter reads off of. It's more of a suggestion than a limitation I guess. They really don't care about age as long as it passes DOT and they can hook a Qualcomm up to an electronic engine. Hell I was originally gonna bring a '97 truck on and they didn't care as long as the N14 it had would work with the e-logs. At the end of the day though both LS and SNI choice are so similar you really can't go wrong with either one. I may still give LS a shot at some point, but for now I am happy with SNI, if for nothing else than I've been with them for a few years so I know how it works.

    You got a really good deal on your truck. I struggled to find anything under 25k in this area, whether at a big dealer, mom and pop places or private sales. This one finally came up for 30k. Little more than I wanted to pay, but it is in such good shape, and had the APU which would have cost me around 8k to get put on a truck that didn't have one anyway, so I was happy with what I got. Also got 8 new Michelin recap drive tires and a new windshield put on as part of the deal. I figure as long as you're happy with the truck, who cares what you paid, it's your truck, not theirs! I need to get my frame blasted and painted as well. It's actually not bad, but has a few spots that would look nicer if they were all cleaned up.

    Well just make sure you get a cabover with an electronic engine they can hook the Qualcomm to, otherwise that's a no-go unfortunately


    Were you speaking to them about leasing a truck from SFI, or bringing your own truck? If you wanted to lease from SFI, I could understand their hesitation, with the big truck payment it could be difficult to make it work if you wanted to be home at somewhat regular intervals. That area is kind of a dead area for SNI unfortunately when it comes to getting out.

    Yep, that's how it goes. Unfortunately those recruiters probably lose SNI a lot of business.
    icsheeple and FLATBED Thank this.
  10. motorheads5

    motorheads5 Bobtail Member

    Oct 7, 2012
    "Were you speaking to them about leasing a truck from SFI, or bringing your own truck? If you wanted to lease from SFI, I could understand their hesitation, with the big truck payment it could be difficult to make it work if you wanted to be home at somewhat regular intervals. That area is kind of a dead area for SNI unfortunately when it comes to getting out."

    Thanks DFO, at that time I was looking at a lease from them, so I understand your point and theirs. Still looking at other ideas, may get a used unit or my own authority.
  11. skyviper73

    skyviper73 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 17, 2012
    Centennial, CO
    At a hotel in York, NE for the night. Will be in IA to sign for my truck tomorrow. I would much rather be in a truck, than a hotel. My truck is my own bed and all my stuff, hotel,, well,, bleh. (It is nice to cruise along at 75mph in a car though.) Anyway, in the past few days I got all my insurance setup for the truck AND health insurance for the family. I don't get a subsidy from Uncle Sam, but the rates on the Colorado healthcare exchange are better than I have gotten from a company in a long time, PLUS the deductibles and out of pocket are lower. We got the "Gold" plan for about $525 a month for family. $2k deductible and $4k max out of pocket. I was pleasantly surprised.

    I talked to the recruiter at Schneider today as well. She was asking when I would have all my truck paperwork ready to send to her and I told her she would have it by Thursday. Looks like Jan 5th for orientation should be set.
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