Routing software?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by texasflood51, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. texasflood51

    texasflood51 Bobtail Member

    Oct 17, 2015
    My friends and I have started a residential trash collection business almost three years ago. We started with my old Chevy truck and a 16' trash trailer. We eventially bought a 20yd rear loader from a city auction and have grown our customer base to close to 700 and we pick up 4 days a week. We are in rural areas with all the big boys and some smaller companies. My question is how do other companies rely on their drivers to collect every customer without missing someone? I'm an owner and the driver. I print out my google map with my pick ups the night before and I mark them as I pick up to ensure I don't miss anyone. Now that we are getting close to hiring a new driver to allow me to get out and into the office more I need to make sure my customers aren't getting forgotten. Our customer don't have to use one of our bins so its real easy to miss especially if other competitors are picking up that day. Do you drivers have software on your truck that routes for you? Any knowledge would be appreciated. TIA
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  3. lots of character

    lots of character Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    Way you're doing it is good. Get a GPS and preload way points would be your cheapest route
  4. lots of character

    lots of character Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    To add to that, if your new hire isnt competent enough to read a rural map, you're better off without him. Can't hold everyone's hand all the time ya know?
  5. stevez57305

    stevez57305 Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2015
    I agree with what lots of character said.
    Also you could print your maps out as you said you do for yourself and acan them on your computer so you dont have to keep googling. Make it as a day by day route on paper. With a checklist of all addresses on it. And a total of cans for that route. So at least you can follow if he or she is a good employee. And picking up all the cans. And if you get that call that garbage wasnt picked up you can check and see if that person did or "say they did" and see if you may have to keep an eye on them to keep your honey pot afloat.
  6. TheyCallmeToddler

    TheyCallmeToddler Bobtail Member

    Jul 23, 2014
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